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Posted By: kas1e. on 2009/12/5 20:03:30
Diskmag about demoscene and coding on/for Amiga and Amiga-like computers. "The Vague" is the first multiplatform Warp3D-based Amiga diskmag ever!

Currently we release only Warp3D version (os3,os4,mos and aros) and in next weeks we will release online-html and aga-rtg versions.
Posted By: AndreasM. on 2009/12/1 17:34:46
The Desert Racing of BarDos port MorphOS has been released today. The port is a direct port of the original version and is available at APC&TCP and other dealers. There is an up-to-date demo version of Desert Racing of BarDos for the classic Amiga, AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS, which can be found at the support site: .

This port has been tested for over 6 months on various systems. We ask all users interested to download and try out the demo version first, before buying, we feel sure you will enjoy it.

Warning: The game does not run on Efika.

Posted By: ASiegel. on 2009/11/30 5:40:37
Ralph Schmidt announced in the MorphZone forums that MorphOS will soon include support for Apple's PowerMac G4 range of computers. While they are not as compact and portable as Mac Minis, they are often more affordable (compared to 1.5 Ghz Mac Mini models), can be faster (1.8 Ghz G4) and offer far superior expandability options to all power users who need them.
Posted By: ChrisH. on 2009/11/27 16:09:00
PortablE r5 released (now runs on MorphOS)
A new version of PortablE has been released. PortablE is an AmigaE compiler, written from scratch in E, and able to compile itself. It supports Windows, Amiga OS3, OS4, AROS & MorphOS.
Posted By: kas1e. on 2009/11/12 13:51:34

Diskmag about demoscene and coding on/for Amiga and Amiga-like computers.

"The Vague" is the first multiplatform Warp3D-based Amiga diskmag ever!
Posted By: IKE. on 2009/11/12 13:49:45
A MorphOS Development Wiki has been established.

The goal of this Wiki is to collect and provide development information for everyone who is interested in developing software for MorphOS primarily in the C/C++ language and APIs.

For those familiar with Tiki Wiki, you are aware of it's (overwhelming at times) power. Therefore, a second goal of this site, is to provide a clean, cut down Wiki that is easy to navigate and with minimal distracting bells and whistles. In most cases many features will not be included on the site if they exist in other places, for instance, Forums will take advantage of synergies that already exist in the MorphOS community (i.e. MorphZone). Other programming language Wiki's already have been established such as Python and FreePascal, etc.

Please consider registering and contributing your knowledge so that we can grow the MorphOS developer base:

Posted By: Yomgui. on 2009/11/10 16:45:02
Guillaume - Yomgui - ROGUEZ has released the Python language port in 2.5.4 version.

To celebrate that, he also released a Python module name PyMUI that give an easy way to develop MUI user interface, directly in Python scripts, like WxPython does for external example. And it's not finished: to celebrate PyMUI, a Proof-Of-Concept named Gribouillis is also released by the same author.Gribouillis a (currently) simple drawing application with the special feature to not limit your drawing in size: borderless painting.‏ And to celebrate Gribouillis... no, that's quite enough for now Python 2.5.4, PyMUI and Gribouillis released

So, get all the related installation instructions and downlad the respective archives on his development wiki page (translated in English) that can be found at the following address:

Enjoy Python 2.5.4, PyMUI and Gribouillis released
Posted By: ShInKurO. on 2009/11/8 10:11:36
Hi guys, this is mainly a bugfix release, I suggest you to update your NoWinED installation with this one :)

As usual, read changelog for changes: LINK
You can download it from Aminet: DOWNLOAD
Posted By: Daff. on 2009/11/2 3:51:37
The following articles have been added to the website of the french Amiga/MorphOS magazine Obligement ( during the last two months :
Posted By: Daff. on 2009/10/31 6:23:35
The magazine Obligement published an interview with Mark Olsen, member of the MorphOS development team. Mark is perhaps best known for his Quake 3 port, 3D drivers work and recently the port of MorphOS on Mac mini G4.

The interview is available here:
A French translation can be found here: