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Posted By: AndreasM. on 2025/3/7 13:27:43
The English and German issue 173 (March/April 2025) of our print magazine Amiga Future has been distributed today, and can also be ordered directly from our editorial office at Amiga Future, and from other Amiga dealers that stock it.

Magazine Content: Review MorphOS 3.19

and so much more ... if you haven't already, right now might be the best time to get your collectable copy ordered, before they're all sold out!

For a more detailed description of its contents and previews of this issue click-on link of the Amiga Future magazine hompepage.
Posted By: AndreasM. on 2023/6/28 20:06:06
On the Amiga38, as on the Amiga37, there will again be a special issue of the Amiga Future, which every visitor to the event will receive free of charge at the entrance. In addition to a floor plan, information about the exhibitors, vouchers, etc., we want to publish a special area in this issue where programmers can present their programs/games.
Posted By: Daff. on 2022/10/14 20:07:49
If you search for "Mac mini G4" on Google France, you can now see that an "optimized snippet" appears. And surprise, this link, which is prominently displayed at the top of the page, references the review of the Mac mini G4 under MorphOS, published on Obligement. This link appears in front of the pages of Wikipedia, eBay or even Apple itself!
Posted By: Daff. on 2020/7/1 17:11:45
The following articles have been added to the website of the french Amiga magazine Obligement ( during the last two months:

MorphOS related:

- May/June 2020 news.
- Interview with Bruno Peloille (MorphOS developer).
- Review of MUIMapparium 0.8.
- Review of Heroes Of Might And Magic 2.
- Tutorial: Utilization of Open Firmware.
Posted By: Daff. on 2019/11/12 10:13:32
The following articles have been added to the website of the french Amiga magazine Obligement ( during the last two months:

MorphOS relative:

- September/October 2019 news.
- Review of MorphOS 3.12.
- Tutorial: installation of MorphOS (update).
- Tutorial: utilization of Flacapella.
Posted By: Daff. on 2019/3/4 14:35:09
The following articles have been added to the website of the french Amiga magazine Obligement ( during the last two months:

- January/February 2019 news.
- Old articles from Amiga News Tech n°24 to 27 : Tutorial: Utilization of Gawk, Programming: AMOS - Expression interpretor, File:: Operating of the keyboard on AmigaOS, Tutorial: Debug withc MonAm, Programming: ARexx - Catalog of a disk, Programming: Lisp - the eight queens, Programming: How to program reentrant, Review of ReqLib, Programming: Assembleur - screengrab tool in IFF, etc.
- Interview with Gilles Pelletier (ANAIIS developper).
- Interview with Mohammed Abdul Raza Al-Nasah (Amiga user in Iraq).
- Interview with Cédric Maillard (musician).
- Hardware : presentation and review of the GBA1000 v4 card.
- Review of RickyD 0.2.0.
- File: Aegis Development.
- File: Cinemaware.
- File: Amiga Games List (update).
- Tutorial: prepare an Amiga hard drive with MorphOS.
- Special quizz about the year 2018 on Amiga.

Rendez-vous on for this nice reading.
The total of articles reach now 6000!
Feel free to contribute. Please contact David "Daff" Brunet for more info.
Posted By: Daff. on 2018/11/1 12:44:12
The following articles have been added to the website of the french Amiga magazine Obligement ( during the last two months:

* MorphOS relative:

- September/October 2018 news.
- Interview with Philippe Rimauro (ACE developer).
- Tutorial: Pattern matching on MorphOS.
Posted By: Daff. on 2018/9/2 17:29:02
The following articles have been added to the website of the french Amiga magazine Obligement ( during the last two months:

* MorphOS relative:

- July/August 2018 news.
- Review of MorphOS 3.10/3.11 (update).
- Review of Stunt Car Remake.
- Tutorial: Installation of MorphOS 3.x (update).
Posted By: AndreasM. on 2018/7/5 12:01:21
The English and German issue 133 (July/August 2018) of the print magazine Amiga Future has been distributed today, and can also be ordered directly from the editorial office of Amiga Future, and the other Amiga dealers that stock the magazine.

Mag Content:
  • Review RNOComics & RNOWidgets
  • News from MorphOS Camp
  • Showreport RETROpulsiv
Posted By: ASiegel. on 2018/4/14 19:50:28
Dan Wood of has published a new MorphOS video that shows some of the new features of MorphOS 3.10 and demonstrates how to change the look of MorphOS in two easy to follow steps.

To see the video, visit YouTube or watch it below.