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Posted By: jacadcaps. on 2025/2/20 14:39:16

Wayfarer 9.2 is now out and fixes endianness problems introduced in the WebKitGTK 2.46 branch.

As always, please update using the auto-updater.
Posted By: jacadcaps. on 2024/12/23 2:47:09

Wayfarer 9, with WebKit rebased to WebKitGTK 2.46.5 is now available for download from

Please check the forum post for more information.
Posted By: jacadcaps. on 2024/12/4 19:21:53

Iris 1.44 is now available for download.

Several past releases have mostly focused on re-implementing local cache for offline viewing of messages. Iris can now use up to 10 threads to simultaneously download whole emails. Once a folder is cached, messages and attachments will display instantaneously.

Calendar events may now be responded to as well as cancelled via Iris.

Sending emails may be configured to always BCC to a predefined account. This makes it possible to verify if a mission critical email was in fact accepted by the SMTP server or for backup purposes.

Please use 'Check for Updates' from Iris' menu to automatically download and install the update.
Posted By: softwarefailure. on 2024/12/4 19:19:57
Version 1.5 of Malibu, the Hollywood plugin which can be used to show Scala scripts, has just been released. Version 1.5 contains several bug fixes so that it's now possible to run the Scala games Beyond a Steel Sky and Adventure 2 by Quantum Code Monk with it. This makes it possible to play those games on your Nextgen Amiga, on Windows, macOS, or on Linux. Furthermore, starting with version 1.5 Malibu is now also available in a version for macOS arm64 (Apple Silicon). Malibu 1.5 is now available for free download from the official Hollywood portal.

This release was brought to you by Airsoft Softwair - the hardest working men in code business.
Posted By: softwarefailure. on 2024/12/4 19:19:13
Pangomonium 2.1 has just been released. Pangomonium is a Hollywood plugin that contains a state-of-the-art text and graphics engine including full support for color emojis, exotic scripts and SVG rendering. Version 2.1 is a bugfix release which fixes a bug in the SVG loader. Pangomonium 2.0 is now available for free download for various platforms from the official Hollywood portal. Note that Hollywood 10 is strictly required by Pangomonium.
Posted By: softwarefailure. on 2024/9/26 2:17:18
Airsoft Softwair, the hardest working men in code business, are back on your screen with version 2.0 of the SID plugin for Hollywood. Once this plugin is installed, Hollywood will "automagically" be able to play SID files just like any other audio file. Version 2.0 is a major update which now uses completely different SID core. Version 1.x of the SID plugin was based on the rather outdated TinySID core whereas version 2 now uses the state-of-the-art cRSID replayer written by Hermit (Mihaly Horvath) which features a much more accurate SID emulation that also supports the RSID format (Real SID). Additionally, version 2.0 comes with several other new features like the possibility to set the SID model to emulate (6581 or 8580) and several convenience enhancements for users of Hollywood 10.

A demo applet which demonstrates the playback of a SID file is included. This applet can also be run using the freely available Hollywood Player so people who don't own the full version of Hollywood can check it out as well.

You can download the plugin from the official Hollywood portal. Thanks to Hollywood's cross-platform plugin system versions for AmigaOS3, AmigaOS4, MorphOS, WarpOS, AROS (x86), Linux (arm, ppc, x86, x64), macOS (arm64, ppc, x86, x64), Windows (x86, x64), Android and iOS are provided.

To download SID music visit the High Voltage SID Collection.

This release was brought to you by Airsoft Softwair - the hardest working men in code business.
Posted By: jacadcaps. on 2024/9/18 19:28:35

Iris 1.36 is now available for download and via auto-update.

This version moves authentication of GMail/Outlook/Yahoo mail into a browser window presented within Iris, instead of launching Wayfarer. Several minor issues were also fixed.
Posted By: jacadcaps. on 2024/8/20 16:30:50

Wayfarer 8.11 out now.

- Rebased to latest stable WebKitGTK 2.44.3
- Fixed a rare crash when hitting back/forward buttons
- Updated cURL
- Enabled VisualViewport API
Posted By: jacadcaps. on 2024/7/18 17:41:51

Iris 1.28 is now available!

The new version improves local message cache synchronization performance, makes local caching configurable on a per-folder basis. Insert Image and Insert Link popups got remote image support.

The WebKit core was updated to 2.44.2, like in the latest Wayfarer.
Posted By: jacadcaps. on 2024/6/6 19:02:31

Wayfarer 8.7 is now available with WebKit code updated to WebKitGTK 2.44.2.

Additionally, a targeted workaround was added to fix ReCaptcha on slower hardware, along with fixes for PayPal login page redraw issues and many small performance optimizations.

libcurl was updated to latest version, along with performance improvements and bugfixes.

Built-in Safari User Agents were updated to reflect changes in latest macOS/iOS Safari and editing of custom User Agents is now working correctly again.