Fabien Coeurjoly has just released version 1.6.1 of his port of the Origyn Web Browser which now includes a very powerful web profiling and debugging tool. The included changes are as follows:
Download Links: OWB v1.6.1 Full Version - Lite Edition Without SVG Support
Fabien Coeurjoly has just released version 1.6 of his port of OWB. He has also released the first public version of a compatible Flash plug-in (swfdec).
Translators: Please update your translations, the developer will supply the locale archive separately.
Note: There's a known regression since r1106 (or so): maps.google.* is slightly broken (some options / buttons don't have any effect). It is a generic issue in WebKit when JIT is disabled, and it was reported to their bugtracker. Fabien will provide a new version when this is fixed.
Download Links: OWB v1.6 Full Version - Lite Edition Without SVG Support - Flash Plug In
The MorphZone Team is proud to finally introduce the MorphOS Library, a new online resource that aims to collect and provide access to all there is to know about the MorphOS operating system.
If you would like to participate, please sign up as an editor using the contact information provided on the MorphOS Library's index page. We will be looking forward to your contributions.
Special thanks to Dave 'Targhan' Crawford for writing the very first texts, Andrea Maniero for updating MorphOS - The Lighting OS, Grzegorz 'krashan' Kraszewski for his various changes, Harry 'Piru' Sintonen for the contribution of his TLSF article, Jacek Piszczek for the contribution of his Dual-boot MorphOS on A Mac Mini Guide and, last but not least, David 'amigadave' Morris who will be managing inquiries from new editors.
You can access the MorphOS Library via MorphZone's top navigation menu.