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Posted By: Templario. on 2012/10/16 5:57:19
V.A.M.P. media player programmed with Hollywood has an official site with news and download. At the moment the site is Spanish only. Program author is looking for volunteer translators.
Posted By: jPV. on 2012/10/8 14:27:41
Here are photos and videos of the Saku 2012 event which was held on September 29th in Oulu, the northern Amiga capital of Finland. The event was a success with around 70 visitors, which was achieved with proper advertisement and also promotion in other public events.
Posted By: BalrogSoft. on 2012/10/8 4:03:07
A new version with a MUI gui was released, built with UAE4all rc3 source.

This version finally support the new FAME emulation core that run faster.

Binary: uae4all_031.lha
Source: uae4all_031_src.lha
Posted By: djrikki. on 2012/9/27 17:54:43
Jack 3.2.5 Released for all (Amiga-like) Platforms

AmigaOS - OS4Depot
Classic (now available with or without FPU) - Aminet
MorphOS Beta - Available here (Debug mode enabled - I need someone to test it!)
WarpOS - Aminet
Support website:
Posted By: Krashan. on 2012/9/26 16:41:17
To celebrate adding Sudominator and U1Synth to the package manager Grunch, both programs have been updated. Sudominator had some problem with new MUI 4 transparency effect for disabled gadgets. This effect has been unnecessarily applied to the sudoku field when live solver was running, so the whole thing was unreadable. U1Synth has got an octave switch, a first small step towards changing it from a toy to a simple, yet usable synthesizer.
Posted By: Krashan. on 2012/9/24 8:23:52
A new version of audio converter Zormanita brings automatic file extension handling. There is an option for removing extension from the source file name and for adding default extension (based on selected output format). These features with previously available ones, like copying source name to destination and dropping files from Ambient into Zormanita window, make it easier to convert multiple files. A Reggae classes update comes with Zormanita, it adds 24 and 32-bit modes to AIFF, WAVE and Raw encoders. Zormanita may be downloaded from our download section.
Posted By: jPV. on 2012/9/23 9:07:08
OULU, FINLAND - September 22nd, 2012 - Finnish Amiga Users Group holds its 5th Saku event in Oulu, Finland on Saturday, September 29th. The event is free for anyone interested in the wide range of current Amiga compatible systems. Admittance is free of charge and refreshments will be available. Saku 2012 will start at 13:00 on September 29th at Oulun Tetra ground floor conference room at Mäkelininkatu 31.
Posted By: Templario. on 2012/9/16 13:35:44
The V.A.M.P. player or Virtual Amiga Multimedia Player programmed with Hollywood and with the intention of show the Hollywood playing multimediafiles such as: video, anim files, gif, MovieSetter, etc., has a new version the 0.60 only for MorphOS and available fror download here: or directly
Posted By: ASiegel. on 2012/9/13 21:47:40
R300 3D Graphics Driver Development Has Been Fast-TrackedThanks to an unusual and generous financial contribution from William "Fraggle" Morris, Mark "bigfoot" Olsen has announced plans to fast-track the development of a 3D graphics driver for AMD/ATI's R300 chipset which is built into various Powerbook models and available on user-replaceable extension cards.

Mark confirmed to MorphZone exlusively: "I am happy to announce that Fraggle has made good on his offer and is sponsoring the R300 3D driver development with the generous sum of 2000 euro."

The MorphZone Team would like to thank all involved parties for their participation and hopes for a speedy release of the new drivers so all MorphOS users with compatible hardware can benefit from them.
Posted By: Papiosaur. on 2012/9/13 21:10:22
A three dimensional puzzle game ported on MorphhOS by Herbert 'HAK' Klackl.

Website :

HAK website :