Events : : Photos, Videos and Future Plans of Finnish Amiga Users Group's Saku Event
Posted By: jPV. on 2012/10/8 15:27:41
Here are photos and videos of the Saku 2012 event which was held on September 29th in Oulu, the northern Amiga capital of Finland. The event was a success with around 70 visitors, which was achieved with proper advertisement and also promotion in other public events.

For example, we were asked to arrange some retro gaming at Oulu Arts' Night earlier this year and we got around 200 interested nostalgia gamers there. Amiga is not forgotten! Maybe we just should participate in more mainstream events to get people interested in our specific events as well.

Saku 2012 featured thirteen Amiga compatible and three Commodore 64 computers, four video projectors, several sales tables, game and programming competitions with prizes, demo and video shows and a very enthusiastic athmosphere.

Next year we aim higher with the Saku 2013 event. It will be held in southern Finland where the potential of reaching the masses is a lot higher. It will also be our 20th anniversary event. Be ready for it!

About Finnish Amiga Users Group

Finnish Amiga Users Group (officially Suomen Amiga-käyttäjät ry.) is a registered, non-profit organization dedicated to helping Finnish Amiga computer users by preserving and advancing the Amiga hobby and knowledge of the Amiga computing platform in Finland. The group aims to reach its goals through volunteer efforts such as maintaining a web site and discussion forum and organizing events.
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
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  • »2012/10/14 7:34
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    Will get one of those t-shirts next week. Happy happy joy joy ;-) <- Free music
  • »2012/10/14 20:49
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Joined: 2003/2/24
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    From: Helsinki, Finland


  • »2012/10/15 22:38
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