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Posted By: pegasos-sigi2. on 2016/2/20 18:31:52
WebPButton 0.1

This is a simple prog to demonstrate animated buttons on Ambient.
This is alpha and support only WebP pictures and animations to display.
Posted By: pegasos-sigi2. on 2016/2/8 9:22:48
Calimero 2.5


The DTP program Calimero support label printing now.
The problem with the screen handling is fixed (Screenshot).
Many bugfixing.
Posted By: Daff. on 2016/2/6 15:00:23
On February 6th 2016, the magazine Obligement announced the results of the Amiga Games Award 2015. This represents the best Amiga games voted by Amigans from all Amiga platforms.

The full results can be found here :

The top MorphOS games were:

1. Wings Battlefield Ultimate Duel Edition (Cherry Darling).
2. Ask Me Up XXL (Boing Attitude :)).
3. Fruit'Y (Retroguru).
Posted By: anchor. on 2016/1/30 3:17:59
Google Drive handler MOS v0.4 is available from aminet :)
Posted By: Daff. on 2016/1/28 16:13:37
Each year you can vote for the best Amiga game of the previous twelve months. Now it's time for the Amiga Games Award 2015!

To vote for the best AmigaOS 68k, AmigaOS 4, MorphOS, or AROS games, you can rate them at this page :

There will be no "global" winner, but a winner by systems (AmigaOS 68k, AmigaOS 4.x, MorphOS and AROS).

The final results will be published Saturday, February 6, 2016
Posted By: ASiegel. on 2016/1/22 8:56:23

The MorphOS development team would like to announce the immediate availability of version 3.10 of the official MorphOS Software Development Kit (SDK). The most notable additions and changes are:

  • GCC 5.3.0, including baserel support
  • Added a Lua interpreter
  • Updates ixemul to 50.16
  • Updated tar to 1.28 and sed to 4.2.2

Important: The new SDK requires at least 650 MB of free disk space to install!

The new software development kit is available for download in our files section.

Posted By: Daff. on 2016/1/16 9:52:41
The "Amiga Games List", document created and maintained by David Brunet since 1991, was updated the 16th january 2016. The Amiga Games List is the most extensive collection of its kind on Internet. Beside other news, the games created in 2015 was added. The total reaches now 12 403 games, level editors, data disks, extensions and interpreters subdivided into the categories as follows:

11 865 games
316 extensions and data disks
143 game and level editors
79 interpreters

There are now 469 native MorphOS games.

Link :
Posted By: terminills. on 2016/1/8 19:41:39
I would like to invite interested developers from all platforms to join the Odyssey Web Browser development.

The repository is public, available to everyone and located on GitHub:
Posted By: pegasos-sigi2. on 2015/12/28 17:48:09
MagicWebp 4.0

A universal tool to view WebP pictures and animations, Convert other picture formats to WebP and mux a directory with pictures to a single WebP animation.

+ The encoder part decode all reggae supported formats.
+ The WebP viewer part support all features of the standart.
+ Fast Preview creator for image directorys.

- Only the top directory was encodet to a WebP anim. Oher sub - directories was ignored.
Posted By: ernsteiswuerfel. on 2015/12/26 4:36:28
Simple Mail version 0.42 comes with following changes:
  • Updated OpenSSL version to 1.0.1q
  • TLS support for SMTP servers (SMTPS, port 465)
  • STARTTLS support for IMAP4 servers
  • Ability to check account settings within the account configuration
  • Revised error window
  • Serveral MorphOS specific fixes (thanks to henes)
  • Various bug fixes and internal improvements to simplify next development steps

Connecting to GMAIL / Google IMAP4 servers now works flawlessly!