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Posted By: pegasos-sigi2. on 2016/8/19 19:41:20
Calimero 3.5


Now Calimero split words automaticly on the end of a line. Screenshot with hyphenation
Other hyphenation dictionaries was found here: Dictionaries

Now Calimero support barcode rendering. 100 types of barcode was supported (EAN, ISBN,QR-CODE, MAXI-CODE, a.s.o.) A screenshot with barcode labels: Barcodelabels
Posted By: ASiegel. on 2016/7/29 8:49:31
Oliver "Olli" Wagner reportedly passed away at age 45 on Wednesday, July 27. He was one of the original authors of well-known MorphOS & Amiga applications such as the Voyager web browser as well as the AmIRC chat client, which was highly influential and often copied on other platforms. In recent years, he managed Tick TS AG, a company that develops and markets trading software to banks and other clients.Oliver Wagner Has Passed Away
Posted By: ASiegel. on 2016/6/8 18:51:18

The MorphOS development team would like to announce the immediate availability of the June 2016 release of MorphOS Software Development Kit (SDK) 3.10. The new SDK sports a bugfixed GCC5 compiler, updated ixemul and SSL libraries as well as improvements in its documentation and include files.

The new software development kit is available for download in our files section.

Posted By: Templario. on 2016/5/29 15:44:03
Vintage Viewer is picture viewer the main feature of this program is respect the privacy of the user, no recient files list, no playlist, portable you can use it from USB stick, CD, etc.,, you can minimize the program with a simple right mouse click or press the space key.

Vintage Viewer display the next multimedia formats currently:
* jpg, png, gif, lbm, bmp, in native way
* svg, jp2(jpeg 2000), tiff, pcx, using the Hollywood™ plugins.
Posted By: softwarefailure. on 2016/5/15 15:00:33
This is the game changer you've been waiting for! Airsoft Softwair is proud to present its most ambitious Hollywood plugin yet: RapaGUI - a cross-platform GUI toolkit that allows the creation of native (!) GUIs for AmigaOS (MUI), Windows, Linux (GTK), and Mac OS based systems! This is a real killer plugin and truly a world's first because RapaGUI is the first cross-platform GUI toolkit to support Amiga-based systems with MUI as well. This is surely a dream come true for many Amiga users! In fact, RapaGUI is a MUI Royale spin-off with the killer app twist. Like in MUI Royale, GUI layouts in RapaGUI are conveniently defined in XML files which are then converted into full-blown GUIs by RapaGUI on-the-fly. It just doesn't get any easier
Posted By: Papiosaur. on 2016/5/6 19:50:43
Hello all,
i launch a raffle to promote alternative operating system MorphOS. Many prizes to win (*):
Posted By: Kronos. on 2016/5/1 14:39:16
PastePass is a simple password manager featuring a cryped database and the abilty to fill in username + password at the stroke of a simple shortcut.

Included is PassTool to crypt the provided password useing the name given during MorphOS regristration.

Download with Grunch or directly at:

New in this version:
  • user defined groups
  • various refinements and bugfixes
Posted By: Daff. on 2016/5/1 7:57:41
The following articles have been added to the website of the french Amiga/MorphOS magazine Obligement ( ) during the last two months:

MorphOS related:
  • March/April 2016 news.
  • DIY: Mute the ventilation on an AT power supply and a BlizzardPPC.
  • Tutorial: How to make MorphOS like AmigaOS 4.
Posted By: pegasos-sigi2. on 2016/4/29 19:21:14
Calimero 3.0


+ Mask Screenshot
+ insert Alpha Screenshot
+ AnimGif (alpha!)
+ import picture dirs
+ Bugfixing
Posted By: Kokos. on 2016/4/29 14:50:22
As you may know, popular site helps searching for software alternatives. For instance - when you switch from Windows to Linux, you can easily check what is a free Microsoft Word alternative for that operating system.

Starting from today, the service also supports AmigaOS, MorphOS and AROS operating systems. You can complete the software directory with your favourite items. Building such a database will allow simple alternatives searching for incoming and current Amiga users. It will also help to choose the most rated Amiga software from particular category.

Follow this link to submit your favourite software, but you can also view already submitted items for AmigaOS, MorphOS and AROS.

Please help spreading the word and completing the database with Amiga software!

Thank you!