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Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/8/25 23:01:07
Toad version 1.2, the FroggerNG control panel/gui, with FrogSnap, the FroggerNG batch framegrabber, is available (as a public beta) HERE!!

See "ReadMore" for a short list of features.
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/8/20 23:14:16
19/08/03: MPlayer for MorphOS released !

BugFix Released at 18:08 GMT, 13:08 EST.

Hey MorphOS fan !
You've just got a new video player MPlayer Released!.
Well, it's not "new". It's the port of MPlayer (well-known Linux media player)
for MorphOS. Nearly all the features of the original version have been ported like
(S)VCD support, DVD...

(Click Image for a larger screenshot.)

A lot of optimization and changes has been done to "boost" it :

- use asyncio.library
- native AHI sound driver (device or library)
- native CyberGraphX driver (can use overlay, direct vmem acces or WPA).
- native timing routine
- optimized and fixed YUV -> RGB routine
- optimized and fixed (when possible) OSD routine
- Patched input routine
- ...

So download and enjoy !
Download Executables
Download Sources
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/8/18 18:55:54
"WGetGUI is a download manager, based on WGet. It has MUI GUI. For now only MorhpOS version is available. Version for AmigaOS3.x could be realased later."

From: The forums Download Manager
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/8/18 7:52:52
The project is not halted, but instead on hold. Ali Akcaagac has been placed in an unfortunate situation due to the process of developer board distribution. During the interim, Ali is in contact with the AWeb team, who will also attempt to port KHTML to Amiga/MorphOS. Due to certain restrictions, the port of Atlantis itself will be on hold.

AWeb APL Team
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/8/17 5:30:36
oGalaxyo explains the status quo of Atlantis in an open letter to the MorphOS community.


I'm oGALAXYo writing a few lines about the current situation of the Atlantis (Web browser) port to MorphOS. As many of you people know I got the friendly free hardware offer from bbrv on 10-07-2003 to port Atlantis to MorphOS.
Posted By: magnetic. on 2003/8/14 2:27:18
From the brilliant mind and hands of Anarkskt comes the update of the lovely GUI Game Launcher for MAME MOS - MAGUILA2! Enjoy it! You can download it here:


Have fun!
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/8/9 5:38:02
The wait is over! MorphOS version 1.4 is now available via the normal FTP server.

Is anything else necissary to say? Go yonder good people and download!
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/8/7 1:19:41
TrileroMOS, a version of the classic real life game "Trilero" is being recreated for MorphOS. Here is the first public demo. Enjoy.
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/8/3 17:06:38
The Butterfly Vale is back online! The Butterfly Vale is a great place for MorphOS software like a sound datatype, cdda library, alphassist drivers, game engines (frotz, inform, magnetic), and more.

NEW: ScummVM 0.5.0 released. See the Updated ScummVM information page on The Butterfly Vale (The PlayGround Section).
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/8/3 6:38:05
There has been a compile of YAM 2.5 (beta) for MorphOS. You can find it from this LINK.

*Note: It looks like you need to have previously installed YAM to use the MorphOS version.