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Posted By: SoundSquare. on 2005/12/23 16:53:47
Nicolas "henes" Sallin just released his "Lightning Spirit" port for morphOS. "Lightning Spirit" is a SDL shoot'em up game based on the "Ikaruga" gameplay.
Posted By: Ants. on 2005/12/9 16:02:05
After many months of little activity, the AmiZilla project has had a kick of adrenaline- news on the GTK->MUI project, and some unexpected help!
Posted By: Targhan. on 2005/12/2 18:38:06
New features:

- saveable thumbnail icons
- integration of a DefIcons-compatible filetypes editor into Scalos FileTypes Prefs.

As usual, lots of bugs have been fixed, too.

(for details, and newly reported bugs, please see the forum
Posted By: MaaG. on 2005/11/26 16:56:06
On my www-page ( you find new release AutoDocReader.
News on version 1.1:
- arexx scripts support,
- new icon (by Thore Sittly),
- fixed some bugs from version 1.0 AutoDocReader 1.1AutoDocReader 1.1
- locale updated.

If you find bugs, or have any ideas or so.. write about it on bugtracker page
Posted By: Velcro_SP. on 2005/11/22 16:33:12
David Fisher of the I-Browse team is quoted in Total Amiga magazine: "There wil be... a 68k version which will run under MorphOS, classics under OS3.x, and Amithlon. Whether we do a native MorphOS version has not yet been decided - once the OS4 version is complete we will evaluate the situation."

David Burstrom was interviewed together with David Fisher. It was Fisher who answered that one.
Posted By: Krashan. on 2005/11/6 6:29:30
DigiFilter is a simple application for digital FIR filter design. Filter frequency response is not limited to typical lowpass, highpass, bandpass and bandstop. It can be graphically designed to any shape instead. The program uses windowing technique with rectangle, triangle, Blackman and Kaiser windows. Maximum number of taps is 2048. Both designed frequency response and set of calculated tap multipliers may be saved to a file. DigiFilter is available in the download section and on Aminet. The program is freeware.
Posted By: VooDoo. on 2005/11/3 21:51:59
According to this homepage ( we will have a PowerPoint Viewer called PointRider and evelopped by Mathias Parnaudeau.
A modul for Hollywood will also come.

Screenshots can be seen at the homepage
Posted By: Darth_X. on 2005/10/22 4:38:06
Cubic IDE is an Integrated Development Environment for AmigaOS and MorphOS. The package includes the editor GoldED8, free C/C++ compilers such as gcc, the HTML add-on Webworld, the spell checking package Joyce, Roget's Thesaurus, authoring modes for Rexx macros and installation scripts ...

Posted By: Krashan. on 2005/10/19 22:38:52
ChocolateCastle 0.3, a parametrized MUI custom class code generator is out. New in this version: loading and saving projects.
Posted By: tokai. on 2005/9/27 22:28:47
Add support for RIFF WAVE, AIFF/ AIFF-C und Sun/ NeXT Audio files to AmiNetRadio, the best multi-format sound player for MorphOS.