Cubic IDE is an Integrated Development Environment for AmigaOS and MorphOS. The package includes the editor GoldED8, free C/C++ compilers such as gcc, the HTML add-on Webworld, the spell checking package Joyce, Roget's Thesaurus, authoring modes for Rexx macros and installation scripts ...
Powerful editor core
The editor core offers all functions you can expect from a modern editor.
* Unlimited undo and redo, configurable syntax highlighting, templates, folding, automatic backups, macro recording and extensive rexx support.
* Advanced layout and block fuctions.
* Very fast scrolling.
* Optional input aids including context-sensitive completion and automatic case correction.
* Plug-In interface
All aspects of the Cubic IDE interface are configurable: fonts, colors, toolbars, menus, mouse, etc. Tabbed dialogs and treeviews simplify the configuration. The software can handle an unlimited number of open screens and windows. Background processes like printing are multithreaded and do not block the user interface. The editor recognizes file types and automatically adjusts the editing environment. For example, the menu will show compiler-specific functions after loading a C source code.
Integration with your development tools
Cubic IDE seamlessly integrates with SAS/C, vbcc, gcc and the StormC development environment.
* Source level debugger support for StormC users: breakpoints are displayed next to the text.
* Configurable references system for includes, source codes and other material helps you with finding information quickly. The QuickInfo function constantly shows information related to the word under the cursor (e.g. prototypes of OS functions).
* The editor automatically highlights the matching bracket if the cursor is placed over a bracket.
* QuickFunc navigation help lists all functions, labels etc. defined in your source codes.
* Built-in grep support allows you to search patterns in a list of files.
* Free compilers included and installed with a mouse click
* Software development kits included for AmigaOS3, MorphOS, PowerUP and WarpOS.