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Posted By: tokai. on 2008/10/2 13:41:27
After the Release Candidate didn't show much sign of problems the final version of OpenTTD 0.6.3 was released yesterday. This is the 3rd major bugfix release for the 0.6 series of OpenTTD and fixes many small and a few bigger issues.

OpenTTD is an open source clone of the Microprose game "Transport Tycoon Deluxe", a popular game originally written by Chris Sawyer. It attempts to mimic the original game as closely as possible while extending it with new features.

OpenTTD 0.6.3 for MorphOS OpenTTD 0.6.3 for MorphOS

For more information about the game and the download archives please visit:
Posted By: r-tea. on 2008/9/29 17:40:44
Text editor NoWinED 0.76There is new version of NoWinED (0.76) available on ShInKurO's website. He fixed several bugs reported. Among others: the main window now remembers its size and position, AROS version of NoWinED now is able to use uni.library, so all conversions are supported even on AROS. Added few improvement and changes in GUI. Added also Polish calatog.
Posted By: kiero. on 2008/9/18 18:24:02
Homeworld for MorphOS. First beta release. Read more for details.
Posted By: Targhan. on 2008/9/17 17:10:18
Just when we thought that our internet could cool down for a while, bigfoot comes up with another reason to start a downloading frenzy: a new version of the Quake3 port! The shortlist of changes is as follows:

  • The 'new' PPC JIT has been bugfixed and enabled.
  • The sound buffer size decreased and the sound mixing code has been slightly optimised.
  • The mouse wheel code has been updated to be in sync with the latest Intuition breakages.


Posted By: Targhan. on 2008/9/17 17:03:08

MorphOS: OpenRedAlert Project

Fab and SixK have been working on the OpenRedAlert
project for MorphOS (version 407). It is from the strategy game Command & Conquer: Red Alert.  (port is based on SDL)  This is an early release (alpha/beta), so there are bugs to be worked out.

openredalert407.tar.gz (717 KB)
RedAlert1_SovietDisc.rar (502 MB)
RedAlert1_AlliedDisc.rar (500 MB)
Posted By: tokai. on 2008/9/16 19:32:39
This is the MorphOS build of the latest 'stable' release of Subversion, an open source version control system. The aim of the Subversion project is to create a compelling replacement for CVS. A full list of features can be found here.

For a full list of changes compared to previous release of Subversion for MorphOS (version 1.4.6) refer to the official Release Notes.

The binary release archive for MorphOS can be downloaded on my site. The archive includes basic installation instructions and a current build of the 'SVN Book' (a full and detailed documentation about Subversion) in PDF format.

WARNING: if a Subversion 1.5 client encounters a pre-1.5 working copy, it will automatically upgrade the working copy format as soon as it touches it, making it unreadable by older Subversion clients. If you are using several versions of Subversion on your machine, be careful about which version you use in which working copy, to avoid accidentally upgrading a working copy. (But note that this "auto upgrade" behavior does not occur with the repositories, only working copies.)

Subversion is a rather large package, so not each feature was and could be carefully tested on MorphOS. There might be hidden bugs or problems related to the port itself. You use this software at your own risk.
Posted By: tokai. on 2008/9/15 20:18:09
OpenTTD is an open source clone of the famous MS-DOS/ Windows classic strategy game 'Transport Tycoon Deluxe'.

A MorphOS build of the latest stable release is now finally available after some delay, so all addicted OpenTTD players can join 0.6.2 servers properly.

For more information about the release:
Posted By: r-tea. on 2008/9/14 18:50:42
ShInKurO has released a new version of his MUI based text editor called NoWinED. V0.75 it's its third public version. Looking at the archive list you can find there four amiga compilations and select the one of your flavour :)

NoWinED features:
- Handling of multiple files through tabs;
- Context menus;A new amiga text editor - NoWinED
- Search and replace module;
- Multiple file Drag & Drop;
- Basic texteditor features (C&P, select all, Undo, Redo, etc...);
- Usage from keyboard supported;
- Programmable Fn keys;
- UTF support;
- CR/LF/CR+LF support;
- Configurable backup of all opened files;
- Configurable AutoSave of current file;

To find more details read the ChangeLog file.

The autor mentiones NoWinED is his first Amiga program, so do not expect too much :) You can download the application and find out more about it on this website.
Posted By: tokai. on 2008/9/13 11:20:47
Elephant Now with Girlfriend Support!Grab your p(h)ants... again!

Elephant 1.2

The Ultimative Update for just 105 EUR (not including tax and shipping).
Now for free!

What is new?

  • Girlfriend support. Enjoy romantic evenings with 'Dream of Stars'
  • Seal of Approval by the Military after successfully absolving a field test by using the brand new and customized camouflage suit
  • Real-time Mimic-a-Chameleon abilities
  • Countless of other visual finesses
  • Proof that perfection can be made more perfect

Download Site:

Posted By: tokai. on 2008/9/11 16:10:30
Elephant 1.1 for MorphOSGrab your pants...

Elephant 1.1

A cute elephant for your 3D layers powered MorphOS desktop. Or -if you like- you also can launch a whole elephant army to conquer your desktop. The choice is yours!