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Posted By: TorbenLarsen. on 2013/12/23 17:54:43
Hello everyone,

We just got another system on go and live for the Amiga legend Battle Squadron, now made available for MorphOS Amiga Legend Released for MorphOS - CHRISTMAS SURPRISE!!
Posted By: ASiegel. on 2013/12/22 10:30:14
Fabien Coeurjoly has released version 1.22 of his Odyssey Web Browser. You can download it from:

  • Fixed the slowness issue with topsites, when adblock was enabled. In that case, the generated screenshot data: URI (which is basically the screenshot raw data encoded as base64) was matched against the rules in adblock, which was obviously very slow.
  • For security reasons, file:/// URL couldn't be accessed from topsites. Fixed as well.
Posted By: MaaG. on 2013/12/22 9:05:21
PciTool is a program showing the parameters installed PCI cards underwent a complete renovation. In version 3.0 has been completely rewritten version - remove the library supports openpci.library and add - native version for MorphOS - which is a library pcix.library. For this reason - the new version is only available in a version for computers running the MorphOS system.
Program can be download from the autor's webpage or from Aminet
Posted By: ASiegel. on 2013/12/14 13:13:13

The MorphOS development team is proud to announce the public release of MorphOS 3.4, which introduces faster R300 graphics drivers, improved video playback on G5-based systems, support for non-native display resolutions on various PowerBooks, screen blanker password protection, and numerous bug fixes and other improvements. For an overview of the included changes, please read our release notes.

We strongly urge new users to carefully read our installation and troubleshooting guides before they attempt to install MorphOS for the first time. Existing users can upgrade via the familiar procedure but are encouraged to read the guides as well. MorphOS 3.4 is available for download in our files section.

Public Release of MorphOS 3.4 Public Release of MorphOS 3.4 Public Release of MorphOS 3.4
Posted By: ASiegel. on 2013/12/11 17:21:40
Odyssey Web Browser 1.21

Fabien Coeurjoly has release version 1.21 of his Odyssey Web Browser. You can download it from:

Posted By: walkero. on 2013/12/4 17:43:22
AmiCamp 2013 AmiCamp, the new event for all the Greek Amiga and MorphOS Users, will take place in Athens - Greece on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 of December. It will be open to the public and all the Amiga / MorphOS enthusiasts who keep using and having fun with their computers, especially the Next Generation ones.
Posted By: on 2013/11/28 8:33:51
Hi folks, The Recursion 2014 Computer Science Fair will take place on Friday 14 and Saturday 15 February 2014 at King Edward Vi School, Stratford-upon-Avon, England. Friday will be dedicated to promoting Computer Science and related industries to students as degree and career options. Saturday will be a fun-packed day, open to the public. In addition to stands from industry leaders such as IBM and Blitz Games Studio, there will be a MASSIVE area dedicated to retro and class computing, with user-groups from all the key players and favourite old-timers, from Amiga through to Oric and on to ZX81.

So here's an open invite to all MorphOS, AROS and Amiga fans. Come and join us!
Posted By: Develin. on 2013/11/19 14:31:21
It's time for yet a new release of SnapIT. Not so many direct MorphOS-related changes this time, but some minor fixes and corrections.
  1. Updated JPEG/PNG save routines.
  2. Filtered out backdrop windows to avoid crashes.
  3. Fix to erase old preview data when new one is overlapping.
  4. New icon set from Thomas Blatt (found in icons-drawer).
  5. Italian translation by Samir Hawamdeh.
  6. Added keyfile support, functionality is not crippled (don't worry) =)
Posted By: Papiosaur. on 2013/11/18 21:01:27
The WArMUp association is pleased to present you "Best of MorphOS September-October 2013".

Read the webzine.

Layout realised by TUBbrain.
Posted By: Daff. on 2013/11/2 11:06:12
The following articles have been added to the website of the french Amiga/MorphOS magazine Obligement ( during the last two months...