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Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/8/18 18:55:54
"WGetGUI is a download manager, based on WGet. It has MUI GUI. For now only MorhpOS version is available. Version for AmigaOS3.x could be realased later."

From: The forums Download Manager
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/8/18 18:55:36
e.p.i.c. interactive entertainment gmbh will be presenting its portfolio of games for niche platforms at the Games Convention in Leipzig from 21.8.-24.8.2003. The port of "Northland" will make its debut at Games Convention for the Mac. With a little luck also a first version of "Northland" will be shown for the Pegasos. You will find us at Leipzig in exhibition centre 3 at the stand of our distribution partners in the pc market bb Verlagsgesellschaft (Stand G31).

Sources: MorphOS-News &
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/8/18 7:52:52
The project is not halted, but instead on hold. Ali Akcaagac has been placed in an unfortunate situation due to the process of developer board distribution. During the interim, Ali is in contact with the AWeb team, who will also attempt to port KHTML to Amiga/MorphOS. Due to certain restrictions, the port of Atlantis itself will be on hold.

AWeb APL Team
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/8/17 19:30:09
At GFX-BASE you can read a new review: Bojan Milovic has tested Hollywood for us at his TV-station (RTV JedinsTVo, Novi Pazar, Serbia) and we can finally put this exclusiv review online - including lots of screenshots and photos of the TV-station where Hollywood has been tested.

Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/8/17 5:30:36
oGalaxyo explains the status quo of Atlantis in an open letter to the MorphOS community.


I'm oGALAXYo writing a few lines about the current situation of the Atlantis (Web browser) port to MorphOS. As many of you people know I got the friendly free hardware offer from bbrv on 10-07-2003 to port Atlantis to MorphOS.
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/8/14 17:28:57
From : In the text that follows we have shared a few ideas. We decided to post them here because it was easier for us. The Corporate Staff, Core Development and WebDev Teams are too busy doing other things and this is really more of a message to the broader community of MorphOS and Pegasos users. We like posting our thoughts like this and we appreciate the feedback we get (here or directly by email). Thanks for all the interest and support.


Raquel and Bill
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/8/14 3:01:37
Nope, the pictures from Assembly are not yet finished filtering in! See the fresh batch HERE!!
Posted By: magnetic. on 2003/8/14 2:27:18
From the brilliant mind and hands of Anarkskt comes the update of the lovely GUI Game Launcher for MAME MOS - MAGUILA2! Enjoy it! You can download it here:


Have fun!
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/8/12 16:54:32
Updated! Even more pictures from Assembly 2003 have been added to the MorphZone Ambience Gallery!

Thought nothing more could fit into a 24 hour period? Well, think again! Gallery of Assembly 2003. Pictures from the show with commentary by Wizor.

Another gallery of Assembly pictures are HERE.
Posted By: on 2003/8/9 13:47:16
"After a very succesfull show in June 2001, the Benelux Amiga Show will return in 2003. Due to the incresing popularity of the Pegasos, the show will bascially consist of two events combined into one; The Benelux Amiga Show and the Benelux Pegasos Show.

The Show will be held on the 4th and 5th of Oktober from 10:00 till 17:00, in Engels Rotterdam - on the eight floor in the Royal Residence. Engels is a business/culinary centre for more than a century and can be found next to the Rotterdam Central Train Station.

The Benelux Amiga/Pegasos show will be the biggest Amiga related show that has been held in a long time. At this point a 1000 visitors or more are expected to attend.

Full press release at ...