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Posted By: ASiegel. on 2020/4/22 19:00:24

The MorphOS development team is proud to announce the release of the MorphOS Software Development Kit 3.14 (April 2020).

This release is our biggest update yet and offers countless improvements in our compilers, includes, libnix, GeekGadget environment, tools and ixemul.library. We've updated GCC 8 and 9 to their latest versions. Binutils, cmake and git, among others, were also updated. The full list of changes may be found in the SDK.readme file included in the distribution.

Our new SDK requires MorphOS 3.13 and about 2 GB of free disk space and can be found in our files section. As usual, a separate source package is available for download as well.

Posted By: softwarefailure. on 2020/4/19 15:53:52
Legends never die: Eight years after the release of Hollywood Designer 4.0, Airsoft Softwair, the hardest working men in code business, are finally proud to present the long awaited fifth incarnation of our famous Hollywood Designer. Hollywood Designer 5.0 is a multimedia authoring system that runs on top of Hollywood and can be used to create all sorts of multimedia-based applications, for example presentations, slide shows, games, and applications. Thanks to Hollywood, all multimedia applications created using Hollywood Designer can be exported as stand-alone executables for the following systems: AmigaOS3, AmigaOS4, WarpOS, MorphOS, AROS, Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. This is a feature that is totally unique in the Amiga world!
Posted By: ultragelb. on 2020/4/18 7:39:46
Screenshot.sbar can grab single Windows, multiple Windows, freely selectable rectangle areas, even areas simply drawn with the mouse and much more and save them in multiple image formats while residing patiently in your screens titlebar.

New in this version:

  • Fixed a nasty bug that made the task responsible for grabbing ("Snapper.n") crash on saving an image when two or more screens were open and one got closed.
  • The iris effect didn't fill the whole screen when it came close to screen borders. Fixed.
  • Mouse pointer opacity wasn't calculated at all. Fixed.
  • TestPaint: Added another mode to arrows that also draws an arrow head at the start of the arrow, so the arrow points to two directions.
  • TestPaint: Optimized redraw of paint object.
  • TestPaint: Sped up symmetry tool calculations by a factor of three brazillion.
  • TestPaint: Repeat last draw op (the Recycle-Button) didn't really work. Fixed.
  • TestPaint: Fixed offset of the cursor when zoom window was open and the zoomed area became smaller than the window.
  • TestPaint: The window can be sized larger than the actual image now.

Download Screenshot.sbar V1.2 HERE
Posted By: igracki. on 2020/4/15 6:50:49
With this new SmartClipboard screenbar plugin, you are able to defineactions if you copy something to the clipboard.

Its usefull, if you f.e. read a documentation of a newly downloadedprogram in MultiView etc.
Imagine there are links to a website, a youtube video or the email addressof the author in this documentation.

Previously you had to mark the text with the link, copy it to theclipboard, then open the appropriate program and paste the text there.
Quiet uncormfortable, heh?

Now, you can just mark the text and copy it to the clipboard. Thats all!

My SmartClipboard compares the copied text with the defined patterns andexecutes the corresponding command!


    Here are some examples, which are handled by the standard actions:
  • if you copy a http(s) url (like to the clipboard, the website will be automatically opened in your standard browser
  • a youtube url like
  • if you copy "" the standard email program will be opened to write a mail to ""
  • if you copy an url which links to an image in the internet, an external tool (ViewWebImage) will be opened to display the internet image without the need for a web browser
  • furthermore, if you copy something which looks like a filepath, a new lister with the filepath will be opened in Ambient
Posted By: softwarefailure. on 2020/4/5 13:18:42
A blast from the past! Airsoft Softwair, the hardest working men in code business, are proud to present the XMP plugin for Hollywood. Once this plugin is installed, Hollywood will "automagically" be able to play almost all flavours of Amiga & PC tracker module formats. All formats that are supported by the Extended Module Player library (XMP) by Claudio Matsuoka and Hipolito Carraro Jr can now be played with Hollywood! For example FastTracker II, ScreamTracker, OctaMED, The Player 4/5/6, NoisePacker, ProRunner, Oktalyzer, Impulse Tracker, Ultra Tracker, Ice Tracker, Liquid Tracker, Quadra Composer, and many more.

Additionally, a demo applet which demonstrates the playback of an OctaMED file is included. This applet can also be run using the freely available Hollywood Player so people who don't own the full version of Hollywood can check it out as well.
Posted By: jPV. on 2020/4/5 13:18:30
RNOXfer is a graphical FTP client with support for SSL/TLS protocols.

- Supports both explicit and implicit FTPS connections
- Recursive file transfers
- Resume support
- Online editing of files (automatic uploading)
- Create new files using the specific editor setup in Settings
- Open double-clicked files using the program defined in Settings
- Edit filenames and permissions
- File search functionality
- Calculate directory sizes
- Import addresses in URL format
- Configurable IP address and port range for the active mode
- Ability to send custom FTP commands to servers

Please visit its homepage for screenshots and download links.
Posted By: realstar. on 2020/4/5 13:18:21
mGBA is an emulator that reproduces the Nintendo GameBoy hardware line. It supports GameBoy Advance, original GameBoy and GameBoy Color. Has an MUI gui and support for various gfx/snd options. For best compatibility it is recommended to have original GameBoy bios files available.

[img align='right'][/img]

v1.0 March 17, 2020
- Initial Release
- Port of mGBA latest stable build v0.8.1
- Custom MorphOS frontend and MUI interface added

realstar software mGBA
Posted By: realstar. on 2020/4/5 13:18:05
FCEU v1.8 is now available for download.This one has some options for configuring sound output. There is also a new Famicom Disk System menu option to insert/eject disks by GUI panel. Also a rom list filter is added for changing between NES and FDS images plus some other minor fixes and updates.


Download from: Realstar Software
Posted By: ASiegel. on 2020/2/20 9:49:53

The release of MorphOS 3.13 exposed a long standing bug in ixemul.library: Due to an oversight the library defaults to a wrong FPU rounding mode. The bug can manifest itself in various ways, one example is "tinny" audio output in various games. Only applications using ixemul.library are affected. We have released a hotfix that addresses this issue.

Please download the archive, unarchive it, and follow the instructions in the accompanied README file to complete the installation.

Posted By: ASiegel. on 2020/2/7 19:14:42

Public Release of MorphOS 3.13

The MorphOS development team is proud to announce the immediate availability of MorphOS 3.13. This new version offers more sophisticated text rendering including new font hinting and anti-aliasing modes to choose from. These include subpixel anti-aliasing for sharper and more detailed text on most LCD displays for any applications that allow text output via TTEngine. For those interested in testing this new feature, go to the Fonts section of System Preferences, enable "LCD" anti-aliasing, save your changes and then reboot. Next, run our integrated development environment Flow Studio, go to Editor Settings and switch on TTEngine mode.

In addition to general stability, performance, and security improvements, MorphOS 3.13 also brings important bug fixes for Pegasos I, Pegasos II, and Sam 460 systems as well as a driver for the on-board Gigabit ethernet controller found on A-EON P50x0 mainboards. For owners of Apple PowerMac7.x computers, there is a new shell tool for controlling the fan speed along with inspecting fan status and system sensor temperatures on these systems.

Existing users who have kept the built-in 'Default' choice for window skins will notice an altered appearance after upgrading. Anybody who prefers the previous look is advised to switch from "Default" to "Ferox" in the Screens section of System Preferences. Likewise, if your window skin was changed and you would like the rest of the user interface to look similar, please open MUI Preferences, click on the Settings button and choose the "Origo" theme. Please note that this step may overwrite personalized settings unless you choose to save them as a custom theme beforehand.

We strongly urge new users to carefully read our installation and troubleshooting guides before they attempt to install MorphOS for the first time. Existing users can upgrade via the familiar procedure but are encouraged to read the guides as well. MorphOS 3.13 is available for download in our files section.