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Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/11/27 23:54:46
La Sekta realeases a new remake of the classic "Rock Paper Scissors" (which also marks the 100'th file available from MorphZone).

La Sekta also released the final version of MathRace, both 68k and MorphOS versions, today. Both games are available from MorphZone's download area.

Posted By: mcbarlo. on 2003/11/24 14:53:55
There is a new version of MiniShowPicture. This time it is a good message not only for MorphOS users, because there is a new version for 68k AmigaOS users. More informations in docs in archive.
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/11/23 21:17:35
A new desktop game has been released by Anarkskt, DonSimon. This game is based on the now classic memory game, "Simon." The archive includes both a MorphOS native executable and the 68k native version.

Get it HERE
Posted By: mcbarlo. on 2003/11/17 16:28:25
On PPA you can download a new tool for MorphOS users - CopyIcon. With this tool, you can easy copy PNG icons.

Download it here.
Posted By: tokai. on 2003/11/12 23:01:03
MLdonkey is a multi-platform multi-networks peer-to-peer client. Originally, it was the first open-source client to access the eDonkey network. The protocol was 'reverse-engeneered' using an efficient protocol sniffer, Pandora .

(more details in ReadMore)

Download it from here!
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/11/9 17:36:06
As seen on : The Topic.

Genesi has begun discussions with REBOL to integrate portions of REBOL into a free developer package for the MorphOS Developer Connection. Genesi would pay REBOL a license fee for such a package and may bundle REBOL with the MorphOS SDK. The Corporate REBOL site can be found here.

All interested in such an arrangement, please express your interest here on this thread. Please be specific about your interest and the advantages you can see in the integration of REBOL into the next generation of MorphOS. -->

Not enough REBOL? The New REBOL Library: Rebol Forces: Rebol Forces.
Posted By: mcbarlo. on 2003/11/8 17:56:51
Pawel Stefanski has released a new version of MiniShowPicture. You can download it here MiniShowPicture is a simple picture viewer using datatypes.

It features:

- clear and simple MUI interface
- large number of supported formats
- ability ofscaling the pictures
- drag&drop mechanism
- keyborad support.
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/11/7 18:24:44
UPDATED! New binary available (same link)

Added Jah's MencoderGUI (beta) to the download area of MorphZone. A nice gui that fits right along with Mencoder.

Download MencoderGUI: HERE
Jah's Page:
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/11/6 15:24:09
On the heels of releasing MPlayer0.91, DET Nicolas has released his port of Mencoder 0.91 for MorphOS.

Mencoder: Powerful video encoder, with ripping capabilities. Download it HERE.
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/11/4 19:09:01
MPlayer for MorphOS has been updated to version 0.91 by DET Nicolas.

Download: Executable , Sources

From: DET Nicolas
To: MorphOS Users


Hi All !

It's  the  time  to  release  MPlayer  0.91  for  MorphOS !
I  hope  you  will  enjoy  it.  Look  in  the  readme  file  for  list  of  the  changes.

I  would  like  to  thank:
-  Andre  Siegel  for  very  good  looking  icons
-  Emanuel  Steen  for  the  documentation
-  Sigbjørn  Skjæret  for  many  improvements  and  bugs  fixed
-  Harry  Sintonen  for  many  improvements  and  bugs  fixed 
-  and  all  MorphOS  users  (including  devellopers  :-))

Have  fun !

DET  nicolas