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Posted By: softwarefailure. on 2015/3/8 10:08:44
Airsoft Softwair is proud to present the immediate availability of the Hollywood 6.0 SDK. This is the first full release of the Hollywood SDK. Whereas previous versions only contained the necessary header files, the full release also contains an extensive documentation covering almost 350 PDF pages. On top of that, the SDK contains well-commented source codes of example plugins and makefiles for all supported platforms. With this release Airsoft Softwair completely exposes all interfaces for the very first time to enable interested parties to create their own plugins and make Hollywood even more powerful! A new SDK section devoted to plugin development has also been added to the official Hollywood forums. Adding the 850 pages of the Hollywood 6.0 manual there are now almost 1200 pages of documentation which make Hollywood one of the biggest Amiga applications ever. Thanks to the Hollywood documentation system all reference manuals are available as AmigaGuide, HTML, CHM and PDF and can also be viewed online. The SDK is now available for free download from the official Hollywood portal.

This release was brought to you by Airsoft Softwair - the hardest working men in code business.
Posted By: softwarefailure. on 2015/2/22 11:32:18
Three years after the release of Hollywood 5 Airsoft Softwair is proud to announce the immediate availability of Hollywood 6: Epiphany. Hollywood 6 is a massive update with a myriad of new functions. The most important new feature is the complete abstraction of the core components display, audio and DOS. These can now be completely replaced by plugins which opens up totally new possibilities. For example, it is possible to replace Hollywood's inbuilt display driver with a custom implementation now. A plugin, which uses this new interface to make OpenGL available to Hollywood, will be released shortly.
Posted By: pegasos-sigi2. on 2015/2/15 16:24:25
Download link: Calimero 0.8

  • I add In this version a realtime spellchecking Realtime Spellchecking
    A normal single word checking was added, too.
  • The text wrap around objects (pictures, shapes...) now Text wraping
    The picture shows three kinds of text wraping: left, around and top/bottom wraping.
  • Any wraping is now with usage of its brain ;)
    Because the text was splitting while wraping at a space character, if possible. Only with long words it did't work. So they was split at any character.
  • With the mouse movable separator bars of the header/footer.
    After a bugfixing its possible to resize the header/footer with the mouse. Click on the bar at bottom/top of the header/footer and you can resize now the header/footer.
Posted By: realstar. on 2015/2/15 10:54:56
A new edition of fceu this time updated with a new emulation core and improved mappers. The awesome rom hack known as "Zelda: The Legend Of Link" is now playable on the emulator.

The game requires an original Zelda PRG0 rom with this ips patch pre-applied:

v1.6 February 10 2015
- updated emulation core to fceu_mm latest svn build
- updated all mappers to latest fceux versions
- fixed mmc5 register $5130 emulation
- Legend Of Link rom hack now works
- doubled sound output
- fixed a file requestor crash

Get FCEU here:
Posted By: Daff. on 2015/2/8 16:45:18
On February 7th 2015, the magazine Obligement announced the results of the Amiga Games Award 2014. This represents the best Amiga games voted by Amigans from all Amiga platforms.

More information on :

MorphOS :

1. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (Raven Software / LucasArts)
2. Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast (Raven Software / LucasArts)
3. Amazing Voxel Bird Saga (Cherry Darling)
Posted By: pegasos-sigi2. on 2015/2/1 11:35:58
Carsten Siegner has released Hyphen 2.8.8, a static C library for handling dictionary-based hyphenation of words.

Supported hypenation dictionaries can be found here. To use any of them, download only the files with "hyph_" at beginning, unpack them and then use any files with ".dic" at the end.
Posted By: pegasos-sigi2. on 2015/1/31 16:04:16
Carsten Siegner has released a new beta version of his desktop publishing application Calimero. You can download it via the following link: Calimero_beta_0.7
Posted By: ASiegel. on 2015/1/31 9:45:05
From Friday 27th of February until Sunday the 1stof March 2015, the Amiga Club Osnabrück and the Amiga Club Steinfurt will be hosting another user meeting.

If you are interested in MorphOS, you are welcome to join us. In addition to various Pegasos systems, you can expect to see Mac mini, PowerMac, iBooks, PowerMac G5 and Efika systems. Of course, other hardware platforms are very welcome as well with at least one AmigaOS4 system announced to be present .

If you want to bring your own hardware, please inform us as soon as possible because the space for external users is limited. Of course you can always just stop by for a visit if you like.

I know a laptop running MorphOS takes no big space and is portable, but I still need to know about the number of attendees. So if you are interested, please contact me as soon as possible.

The participation is as always free of charge.

Posted By: Daff. on 2015/1/27 6:48:16
Each year you can vote for the best Amiga game of the previous twelve months. Now it's time for the Amiga Games Award 2014!

To vote for the best AmigaOS 68k, AmigaOS 4, MorphOS, or AROS games, you can rate them at this page :

There will be no "global" winner, but a winner by systems (AmigaOS 68k, AmigaOS 4.x, MorphOS and AROS).

The final results will be published Saturday, February 7, 2015.
Posted By: realstar. on 2015/1/22 11:09:26
At long last a new version of Hu-Go! is released. This one features many bug fixes and improvements and brings it into sync with the latest code from FCEU and GenesisPlus emulator projects.

Download Here:

V1.4 Jan 21 2015
- Major reworking of old emulator and gui code
- Better stability
- SaveState manager with preview pics
- Preview pic on main interface
- Input configuration added
- Filter for file list (.pce|.hcd|.iso)
- CD music starts and stops on fade out IO commands
- CD music restored to correct position on loading state
- Updated to latest version of external lib code
- HuCard and CD seperate rom dir selector
- Doubled possible sound volume range