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Posted By: cgutjahr. on 2005/11/26 16:26:20
October and November have been two quite busy months for us. The following is a short summary of the most important changes- a detailed list can be found at our news section.
Posted By: Acill. on 2005/11/23 13:58:18
Martin Blom has released v6.0 of his audio driver software AHI.

There are version for AmigaOS4, AmigaOS3, MorphOS and AROS available.

News & recent changes [Read on]

Here are all the major changes since the last stable release, v4:

o Anti-click mixing routines, which makes AHI search for a zero-crossing before playing a new note
o Playback of 32 bit samples.
o Multi-channel audio. Eight channels are supported.
o Support for four more architectures: MorphOS/PPC, AmigaOS4/PPC, Amithlon/ix86, AROS/ix86.
o Support for PowerPC accelerator cards (MorphOS and AmigaOS4 only).
o A new driver,, can be used to make all low-level AHI applications, which normally open AHI in exclusive mode, behave as if they used the high-level API which allows several AHI applications to work simultaneously.
o The 68000 processor is no longer supported; a 68020 or better is required.

For a full log of everything that has been updated, see the ChangeLog file below.
Posted By: AndreasM. on 2005/11/22 22:40:39
On you can read the old issue 20, 21 and 22 from the german print-mag Amiga Future.
Posted By: Velcro_SP. on 2005/11/22 16:33:12
David Fisher of the I-Browse team is quoted in Total Amiga magazine: "There wil be... a 68k version which will run under MorphOS, classics under OS3.x, and Amithlon. Whether we do a native MorphOS version has not yet been decided - once the OS4 version is complete we will evaluate the situation."

David Burstrom was interviewed together with David Fisher. It was Fisher who answered that one.
Posted By: lugduweb. on 2005/11/20 17:10:22
The Pegasos Book : first release of english translation
A first release of the Pegasos book in english is now available at

I recall that the original version of the Pegasos Book ("Le livre du Pegasos"), is a free document of 148 pages in PDF format in french language.

Its goal is to gather a whole of information and articles on the Pegasos and its operating systems (MorphOS, Linux, MacOSX with MacOnLinux) in only one document which can be consulted off line or printed easily.

This first release in english does not include the MacOSX and a half of Linux part.

Note that you can now make donations to help translators and authors for updates on the ebook's page.

Translations in other languages are still in progress (german, spanish, italian, portugese, swedish and polish).
Posted By: Darth_X. on 2005/11/14 19:56:16
The OpenAladdin4D site has been quiet for a good while due to several things. Initially we ran into a minor glitch with our donation system, which was easily fixed, then...

Katrina hit. We really stopped thinking about Aladdin 4D and we worried about all those people and participated in giving what we could to the people there and the groups that were helping them. Then more storms hit. When we finally did think of Aladdin 4D again, we realized it wasn't a good time to ask for donations on an Open Source project.

Time has passed, we've all done our parts for our fellow people, but now it's time to relaunch.

Even better - we've got news!
Posted By: AndreasM. on 2005/11/14 19:55:46
APC&TCP is proud to announce the worldwide distribution of MED Soundstudio 2.

MED Soundstudio 2 is the official successor of the world famous OctaMED Soundstudio v1.03c and there may be a version available for MorphOS sometime in the future.
Posted By: tarbos. on 2005/11/12 23:29:13
PPCNUX made a little study comparing 3 different MOS-supported gfxcards representing lowend, midrange/entry and current highend choices with all 3 generations of the popular Quake 3D-shooter series.
Posted By: kiero. on 2005/11/6 6:30:25
Descent:Freespace2 for MorphOS....
Posted By: Krashan. on 2005/11/6 6:29:30
DigiFilter is a simple application for digital FIR filter design. Filter frequency response is not limited to typical lowpass, highpass, bandpass and bandstop. It can be graphically designed to any shape instead. The program uses windowing technique with rectangle, triangle, Blackman and Kaiser windows. Maximum number of taps is 2048. Both designed frequency response and set of calculated tap multipliers may be saved to a file. DigiFilter is available in the download section and on Aminet. The program is freeware.