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Posted By: ASiegel. on 2020/11/5 7:47:15
VectorInk - First Release & First Update
VectorInk is a basic vector graphics editor that allows to create, save and load graphics in the widely used SVG file format. It offers common features such as Path, Text, Pencil, Line, Rectangle, Ellipse, and Shape Tools as well as a basic layering system for altering the order of elements.

The main purpose of the application is to assist in the creation and editing of icon designs and basic graphics to be used with other applications or document types.
Posted By: jacadcaps. on 2020/10/27 17:32:55
Wayfarer 1.5 is now available

This version introduces several important features like a startup loader that will show splash windows as the app starts and quits. It will also catch and clean up if the web browser crashes, in most cases making it possible to re-start the application.

An Eruda web console is now integrated in the debug menu. Eruda makes it possible to view the DOM structure of a website, monitor its resources, view and delete cookies and issue commands via the console or a code editor and more. Several plugins are also available and may be loaded on-demand to maintain browsing performance.

Moreover, it is now possible to start Wayfarer from a pre-saved session file or to make automatically restore the previous session.

For a full list of changes and bugfixes, see the update history.
Posted By: jacadcaps. on 2020/10/19 3:48:10
Wayfarer 1.3 has just been released and offers small performance gains (mostly on G5) and fixes several UI related bugs and quirks.
Posted By: jacadcaps. on 2020/10/18 1:03:45
Wayfarer 1.2 is now available for download. This version introduces Quick links, favicons and several bugfixes including support for blobs.
Posted By: jacadcaps. on 2020/10/9 16:48:46
Another Wayfarer release is available for download from This version introduces a Search Engines settings UI and several bugfixes.

A full list of changes is here.
Posted By: jacadcaps. on 2020/10/4 15:30:43
First Public Release of New Wayfarer Web Browser Wayfarer, a new web browser based on a modern mid-2020 branch of WebKit is now available for download from This new app makes it possible to browse most of the web that have become off-limits for Odyssey with its ageing engine. Google apps like Docs, Drive and Maps with Street view are supported just as the Whatsapp or Telegram web interfaces.

Wayfarer will work on any machine running the brand new MorphOS 3.14 with at least 1GB of RAM. A 1.5GHz or faster CPU is recommended.

This port has been made possible by the concerted effort of the MorphOS developers, the MorphOS beta testers, translators and all of the users who donated to the project.
Posted By: softwarefailure. on 2020/9/6 18:04:45
Autumn just got awesome: Airsoft Softwair, the hardest working men in code business, are proud to present the Special Edition of Hollywood Designer 5.0. Hollywood Designer 5.0 SE is identical to the standard edition of Hollywood Designer 5.0 except that it comes bundled with a special version of Hollywood 8.0 that can only be used with Hollywood Designer but not on its own. This limitation makes it possible to offer Hollywood Designer 5.0 SE for a much cheaper price than buying Hollywood Designer 5.0 and Hollywood 8.0 separately. It is a special offer targeted specifically at people who only want to use Hollywood Designer but not Hollywood itself. For those users it is now possible to get the most advanced Amiga multimedia software suite for a much cheaper price!
Posted By: jPV. on 2020/8/27 17:42:22
RNORadio 1.2 released

RNORadio is a GUI based internet radio player program for MP3 streams.

A new version of the program has been released now and it includes the following changes:

  • Added four new skins by Christophe 'Highlander' Delorme
  • Added an option to generate a web search from a current stream title/track
  • Added an option to display the current stream title in the screen title bar
  • Tweaked the Shoutcast keyword handling
  • Fixed bugs in the station list editing
  • Skins can load TTF fonts from their own directories
  • Added a bold option for fonts in skin configs
  • Fixed some character issues
  • Added a menu option to reset the window size using custom skins

Please visit its homepage for more information, screenshots, and download links.
Posted By: OffseT. on 2020/8/21 1:26:41

NetFS is a network filesystem and AREXX ports sharing for MorphOS computers or Amigas.

It supports all MorphOS & Amiga specifics filesystem features, such as protection bits, filenotes and DOS notify.

It features security management through login and password, data exchanges encryption, asynchronous mechanism to avoid locks, 64-bit filesystems handling as well as IECLASS events and MagicBeacon notifications support. Additionnally, AREXX ports can also be shared.

This new release also includes a MUI GUI for preferences editing, network exploration and pop-up management. Both MUI and CLI tools are localized in French, English, German and Spanish.

Download NetFS-revised from Aminet
Posted By: jPV. on 2020/7/31 15:46:06
RNOPublisher released
RNOPublisher is an easy-to-use PDF publishing program. It is made with Hollywood and is available for AROS, MorphOS, OS4, OS3 (RTG), and WarpOS (RTG).

Please visit its homepage for an example PDF file produced with the program and for download links.