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Posted By: itix. on 2004/9/26 20:10:29
The MorphOS version of Atari 800 emulator is available for download here (1.4MB).
Posted By: Krashan. on 2004/9/22 11:05:06
Delayed slightly because of my gfx board failure, but here it is - SeventhSense 0.14. Implements some new features suggested by users, some bugs have also been fixed.

ReadMore for a changelog, or DOWNLOAD PAGE to just get the file!
Posted By: Targhan. on 2004/9/21 20:03:44
Stefkos of AmigaZeux has released Gallerius, a program to create HTML based photo-albums. This utility is PPC based, and requires MorphOS 1.4.
Posted By: tokai. on 2004/9/14 21:55:23
OpenTTD is a clone of Transport Tycoon Deluxe, a popular game originally written by Chris Sawyer. It attempts to mimic the original game as closely as possible while extending it with new features.
Posted By: GMKai. on 2004/9/13 19:47:24
MVP is an installer-package based on an Hollywood-Exe. It gives information about the software to install and MorphOS itself.
For now it is available in English, but language-versions will follow soon.
MVP is mainly for Newbies that don't have all the programmes at home or didn't use an Amiga in the past.

(Please see ReadMore for a list of included goodies!)
Posted By: Krashan. on 2004/9/12 19:42:15
SeventhSense, the ultimate website scanner has been updated with many new features including HTTP proxy support, configurable number of threads and more.

Download Here
Posted By: timofonic. on 2004/9/9 22:27:29
URD, the Universal Raid Device by Rupert Hausbergers is now available for MorphOS. More information aboout it can be found here

Posted By: timofonic. on 2004/9/9 22:25:38
UltraGelb from the #amigazeux group has released "ClockToy", a digital
clock for the MorphOS Ambient Desktop, You can download it

Posted By: BatteMan. on 2004/9/8 20:43:48
This client have been written from scratch by Rusback (mainly MUI GUI) and sixk (Protocol reverse Engineering and core developpement)
This is a Beta version, actually you can connect serveur, search for files, download (small) files and upload.

Debug output have not been removed (sorry).

This is mainly a version for test purposes, not really a fully usable version.

Coders can join the project getting in touch with sixk or Rusback.

(Readmore for more details!)
Posted By: Targhan. on 2004/9/6 6:02:51
AmigaZeux has released a new, small, graphical CPU meter for your pleasure and adulation.

Available for DOWNLOAD from AmigaZeux