Delayed slightly because of my gfx board failure, but here it is - SeventhSense 0.14. Implements some new features suggested by users, some bugs have also been fixed.
ReadMore for a changelog, or DOWNLOAD PAGE to just get the file!
OpenTTD is a clone of Transport Tycoon Deluxe, a popular game originally written by Chris Sawyer. It attempts to mimic the original game as closely as possible while extending it with new features.
MVP is an installer-package based on an Hollywood-Exe. It gives information about the software to install and MorphOS itself. For now it is available in English, but language-versions will follow soon. MVP is mainly for Newbies that don't have all the programmes at home or didn't use an Amiga in the past.
(Please see ReadMore for a list of included goodies!)
SeventhSense, the ultimate website scanner has been updated with many new features including HTTP proxy support, configurable number of threads and more.
This client have been written from scratch by Rusback (mainly MUI GUI) and sixk (Protocol reverse Engineering and core developpement) This is a Beta version, actually you can connect serveur, search for files, download (small) files and upload.
Debug output have not been removed (sorry).
This is mainly a version for test purposes, not really a fully usable version.
Coders can join the project getting in touch with sixk or Rusback.
SeventhSense is a tool scanning websites for updates. Perfect for fast checking of several websites. Detects date in HTTP header and can search for dates and ordinal numbers in HTML code. Supports OpenURL and is multithreaded (checks many sites at the same time). A short list of popular MorphOS and Amiga sites included. Download here (MorphZone downloads).