As a tribute to the classic Commodore Amiga, I (Bladerunner) have now released my Nostalgia MorphOS Skin. It is based on elements from the old 1.x AOS Workbench.
Marek 'March' Szyprowski has released a first public beta version of the Second Extended FileSystem (EXT2) driver for MorphOS. Use it at your own risk.
Realstar did a quick port of the HuC PCEngine/Turbografx C compiler to MorphOS. This is a great companion to TGEmu since it allows the creation of freeware roms that run on the emulator.
Delayed slightly because of my gfx board failure, but here it is - SeventhSense 0.14. Implements some new features suggested by users, some bugs have also been fixed.
ReadMore for a changelog, or DOWNLOAD PAGE to just get the file!
OpenTTD is a clone of Transport Tycoon Deluxe, a popular game originally written by Chris Sawyer. It attempts to mimic the original game as closely as possible while extending it with new features.
MVP is an installer-package based on an Hollywood-Exe. It gives information about the software to install and MorphOS itself. For now it is available in English, but language-versions will follow soon. MVP is mainly for Newbies that don't have all the programmes at home or didn't use an Amiga in the past.
(Please see ReadMore for a list of included goodies!)