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Posted By: Yomgui. on 2006/6/29 4:23:24
Good new! Blender 2.41 is released for MorphOS.
You can download it on my web site or by MorphUP.

MOS Highlights:

- Support of the Game mode
- Boolean operations don't crash
Posted By: Kronos. on 2006/6/26 13:10:43
SteamDraw, the 2D-Vector-GFX application is now available in version 0.6R1.

The following improvements compared to 0.5R4 have been made:

- lines and points are now magnetic
- magnetism is now used for selecting objects in edit-mode
- new Objectwindow with improved features
- several smaller changes and bugfixes

Download at the SteamDraw-homepage.
Posted By: r-tea. on 2006/6/26 13:09:13
As you all probably know, Apdf (a PDF documents reader, and a part of MorphOS) is under GPL license.

Due to this its sources should be publicly available. Why they weren't until this time? Grxmrx decided to ask MorphOS Team about it, and within two days the sources have been publicly released and additionaly a new 3.4 update is available.

You can download the source and update from the MorphOS users ftp.
Posted By: Dietmar. on 2006/6/17 15:30:33
Cubic users can download a new version of the C package. What's new: latest version of vbcc integrated, all recent MorphOS SDK updates integrated (gcc, binutils, libnix, libgcc), syntax highlighting updated, support for cross compilation between OS3/MorphOS/OS4, OS4 SDK updated with latest lua, abc-shell and make.

Link: Download C/C++ package
Posted By: ASiegel. on 2006/6/11 7:45:44
MorphOS 3D Update Release 2

A new version of the MorphOS 3D Update has been released. The changes since the previous release are:
  • r200, rv250 and rv280 cards (8500, 9000, 9100, 9200, 9250) now work on Pegasos 1.
  • Fixed a rare lockup condition on r200 (8500, 9100).
  • Fixed a random crash on starting the first 3D application on Pegasos 1.
  • Fixed a scissoring problem on r200, rv250 and rv280 (8500, 9000, 9100, 9200, 9250)
  • Minor speedups and improvements

The update can be downloaded from or the MorphOS FTP site.

Posted By: ASiegel. on 2006/6/6 21:17:27
The MorphOS development team would like to inform all PEGASOS owners that new versions of "parallel.device" and " rtl_8139pci.device" are available for download. The files can be obtained by registered users from either the FTP server or the usual download website.

PEGASOS owners who do not make use of the parallel or a RTL8139-based network card when running MorphOS, may skip these updates as they will not provide any benefits. Everyone else is advised to install the new files to further enhance their MorphOS activities.
Posted By: Piru. on 2006/5/26 23:07:56
VICE (C64, C128, VIC20, PET, PLUS4 and CBM-II emulator) has finally been ported to OS3.x, MorphOS and AROS. Unfortunately the initial MorphOS version was close to unusable due to numerous bugs. I fixed most of these bugs and got VICE to work somewhat.

Get current build of VICE for MorphOS from
Posted By: itix. on 2006/5/14 3:16:45
After years of development we are proud to bring you yet another minor update of the bastion of backup software available on the planet.
Posted By: zerohero. on 2006/5/12 19:11:17
To reflect the recent changes in the SDK all binaries have been recompiled and repackaged. This also allowed for C++ support to be included. MorphOS SDK was updated with the latest libnix update as well. Binaries for i686-cygwin and i686-linux provided on (  ). Thank you to Sigbjørn Skjæret and Gunther Nikl for their work on this.

There were also some small changes in the AmigaOS 3.9 NDK, new proto/ and inline/ includes were generated and are now included in the archive. Get them at (  ).

Joachim Birging
Posted By: itix. on 2006/4/19 17:19:21
New MorphOS version of well known C64 emulator is released. It is soon available at Aminet and via my MorphUp repository.