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Posted By: ASiegel. on 2008/9/5 22:41:47

The MorphOS development team is proud to announce the public release of MorphOS 2.1, a free update for users of MorphOS 2.0. In addition to numerous bug fixes, MorphOS 2.1 includes several new features. Some of the most notable ones are the much anticipated sound driver for EFIKA mainboards, a 2D driver for XGI Volari V3XT graphics cards and a virtual CybergraphX monitor (for operating MorphOS without the use of a graphics card via VNCServer). For an overview of the included changes and possible limitations of the forementioned features, please read our release notes.

A description of the hardware requirements and installation procedures can be found here. MorphOS 2.1 is available for download in our files section.

Posted By: AndreasM. on 2008/9/4 15:25:47
Today issue 74 (September/October 2008) has been published.

This means that all subscriptions, preorders and dealer supplies have been brought to the postal office.

In this issue you'll find reviews of WinUAE, AmiBlitz, MorphOS 2.0, AMuse, Cave Story and lots of more.

A more detailed description of content and excerpts can be found at:
Posted By: discreetfx. on 2008/9/4 15:25:03
Chicago, IL -- September 1st, 2008

DiscreetFX Founder Interviewed on the DV Show

The founder of DiscreetFX discusses the origins of the company in the mid-1990's as an Amiga Video Toaster Flyer consulting firm that morphed into a visual effects software developer. Current product developments SportsFX & ReligousFX are discussed. Questions are also answered about The in production documentary "Oil Change The Movie". This film is about the dangers of Trans Fat in the food supply. It is a killer in your food! Please listen to the show and enjoy.

DV Show
Posted By: platon42. on 2008/9/1 16:37:09
Something wonderful has happened! 2.5 years after the last update of Poseidon for MorphOS 1.4.x, the latest version V4.2 is now available for MorphOS 1.4.5 PowerUP Amigas. This version is not meant for Pegasos or Efika, nor for MorphOS 2.x installations. Please consider buying MorphOS 2.x for the latest Poseidon V4.x release.

The Poseidon V4.2 update can be downloaded using Trident online update (if V3.x is installed) or from my website
Posted By: Daff. on 2008/9/1 16:36:44
The following articles have been added to the website of the French Amiga/MorphOS magazine Obligement ( during the last two months :
Posted By: on 2008/8/27 19:03:33
RELEC at the Colmar Multimedia EXPO 2008 !

"RELEC +", a proud distributor of MorphOS / AmigaOS software & hardware,  is happy to announce its participation at the upcoming Colmar Multimedia l'Expo 2008, the second edition of the largest IT meeting in the North-East of France. The event takes place on the 24th, 25th and 26th of October. We will be looking forward to meet you.

Click "Read More" for details!
Posted By: ASiegel. on 2008/8/23 15:27:19
We would like to introduce you to the new MorphOS User Portal. It was designed to be a light-weight and fast-loading start page for interested MorphOS users that provides the ability to search the internet, a quick overview on the latest news and forum posts on MorphZone, a few important links, and access to the re-opened MorphOS User EMail System.

All email accounts include several gigabytes of storage, and can be accessed via POP3, IMAP, plus modern web browsers. In order to sign up, please visit this page.

Please note: Sputnik is a minimum requirement to properly display the website on MorphOS. Also, SSL encryption is mandatory to retreive your email messages. For basic instructions on how to set up your email client, please read this.
Posted By: ASiegel. on 2008/8/23 6:45:47
MUI Creator Completes 5 Months Bike TourStefan Stuntz, creator of MUI (Magic User Interface), a key component of MorphOS, has successfully completed a 5 months bike tour. He travelled from the Canary Islands to Northern Africa, then South Europe, and ended his journey in Italy. In addition to writing an online blog about his daily experiences, Stefan took an extensive amount of pictures that can be seen here. If you understand German, you can find his past blog entries and feedback from readers on this website.
Posted By: AndreasM. on 2008/8/17 14:34:22
The preview and excerpts of the Amiga Future 73 (September/Oktober 2008) are online now.

In this issue you'll find reviews of the recent version of  <span style="font-weight: bold;">WinUAE</span>, <span style="font-weight: bold;">AmiBlitz</span>, <span style="font-weight: bold;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">MorphOS 2.0 </span>, <span style="font-weight: bold;">AMuse</span>, <span style="font-weight: bold;">Cave Story</span> and much more.</span>

A more detailed description of contents and excerpts can be found at:

The Amiga Future is available as an English and German print magazine directly from the editorial office and some Amiga dealers.
The Amiga Future is available as a single issue and subscription each with or without a cover CD.

Posted By: discreetfx. on 2008/8/12 8:21:41
A few of you have noticed that a new AmiZilla website was launched recently. The talented artist that created it did a great job. AmiZilla has been a catalyst for change in the Amiga marketplace and an inspiration to all. AmiZilla shocked the Amiga market and even received wide press on Slashdot, Mozilla forums and many other news sites when it was launched in 2003. Many were caught off guard that an Amiga effort could bring in over $10,000 in donations, the Amiga is suppose to dead right? The Amiga is not dead, the AROS Bounty system, MorphZone Bounties and many other bounty systems were all inspired by AmiZilla and went on to collect thousands of dollars. DiscreetFX did not consider this competition to AmiZilla, in fact we embraced it and put lots of money into AROS Bounties, MorphZone Bounties and many others. The small community that is Amiga proved that it was not giving up and it was willing to pay for quality software to be ported to the Four Headsmen of Amiga.
(Read more)