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Posted By: number6. on 2010/10/15 3:50:50
Now that we are a mere week away from travel day to Amiwest, I thought it would be a good idea to post the most recent information we have to date, concerning the show.
The information comes from multiple webpages and from AW thread postings.

Amiwest President's blog

The AW thread with all available info consolidated in post #1

The Broadcast information page

Posted By: Krashan. on 2010/10/13 10:04:13
ChocolateCastle is a tool for programmers used to generate skeleton source code of various MorphOS components. Version 0.7 adds a possibility to generate public Reggae classes. A complete class project is generated including a makefile and class descriptor. ChocolateCastle has been also localized (Polish translation available for now) and its GUI has been equipped with extensive bubble help. Documentation is updated as well. The program can be downloaded from our downloads section. Full source code is included.
Posted By: ASiegel. on 2010/10/10 7:48:22
Release of MorphOS 2.6 & Introduction of Power Mac SupportThe MorphOS development team is proud to announce the public release of MorphOS 2.6 introducing support of Power Mac G4 systems. In addition to the extended hardware support, existing users will benefit from various bug fixes and a few new features. For an overview of the included changes, please read our release notes.

We strongly urge owners of Power Mac computers to carefully read our installation and troubleshoot guides before they attempt to install MorphOS for the first time. Existing users can upgrade via the familiar procedure but are encouraged to read the guides as well. MorphOS 2.6 is available for download in our files section.
Posted By: Simon. on 2010/10/6 14:20:14
After a long period of silence, the Belgian Amiga Club crawls from under it's rock.
Posted By: Krashan. on 2010/9/29 4:54:49
Sudoku solver Sudominator has been updated to version 0.2. The most important change is a feature of saving and loading puzzles. A few example sudoku have been added to the distribution. Extended configurability includes user adjustable sudoku field foreground color and effect of the active field highlighting. A few spotted bugs have been fixed as well. Full archive including source code is available in our download section.
Posted By: ASiegel. on 2010/9/28 9:37:20
Geit reports: "Here is a collection of images taken at the PowerDev #8 in September 2010 in our convention center. PowerBook and PowerMac systems running MorphOS were shown. Even the old PowerMac with 400 Mhz and Rage128 graphics card makes a good impression of the usability. MorphOS simply is fast on any hardware. PowerMac support will be released with MorphOS 2.6. PowerDev #8

Of course we had a wide range of hardware running. Pegasos1, Pegasos2, Efika, yA1, AmigaOne, A2000 and several MacMinis were used during the meeting. Beside hardware there also was the software. A sneak preview of the new Ambient panel system was shown which has some quite unique features. These new panels will replace the old ones in future Ambient versions. Also, a sneak preview of MagicAction was shown. It is a MorphOS adapted version of the well known Automator. Furthermore, the new MorphOS scanner application and driver system Scandal was demoed to the audience by using an Epson scanner. It is a rather nice piece of software and even the transparency unit worked.

We had alot of fun and interesting topics to discuss during the entire meeting. And it was nice to see several new software products getting ready for being released. A small museum with old hardware was shown at the entrance. There was even a Busch 2090 4 Bit computer (CPU: TMS 1600) with 768 byte of system memory, which worked the whole 72 hours without a crash. Not bad for a 27 year old computer system!

Another highlight was MorphOS playing 3D movies on the Pegasos2 system using a 3D display and proper glasses."

Link: Event Summary
Posted By: Leif. on 2010/9/24 17:52:26
IceFileSystem 2.0 has been released and features at least 387% more frozen awesomeness. Get it while it's cool!

Links:  HomePage    -   Download<span style="text-decoration: underline;">
Posted By: Krashan. on 2010/9/3 20:31:44
ChocolateCastle is a template source code generator for MUI and Reggae classes. Current version generates C sources for internal classes, linked with the main program. The class skeleton code is customized with nice, MUI based graphical interface. Generating Reggae classes is a new feature of version 0.6. The program is distributed with source code and may be downloaded from the download section.
Posted By: AndreasM. on 2010/9/3 20:31:21
The English and German issue 86 (September/October 2010) of the print magazine Amiga Future has been released today and can be ordered directly at the editorial office and the Amiga dealers.

<span style="text-decoration: underline;">Content</span>: Reviews of A/Nes Pro, Gianas Return, <span style="font-weight: bold;">MorphOS 2.5</span>, Timberwolf and many more. Interview with Petro Tyschtschenko, report of Amiga Event Essen, report of VCF UK, workshops and much more. A more detailed description of content and excerpts can be found at the Amiga Future hompepage.
Posted By: amigadave. on 2010/9/2 16:40:47
For the third year in a row I will be demonstrating the latest version of MorphOS2.x at the AmiWest 2010 Show in October. This year I will have four computers running MorphOS2.5 (or greater), including my Efika (which I am working on putting in a new and interesting case w/monitor), 1.5GHz G4 MacMini, 1.25GHz G4 eMac, and Dual 1.25GHz G4 MDD PowerMac. I have also been asked to run the Amiga Game Competition again for this year's AmiWest 2010 Show and have decided to donate the 1.25GHz G4 eMac running the demo version of MorphOS2.5 as the grand prize to the winner of the competition. So, if you like playing Amiga games and can make it to Sacramento, CA in October, come to AmiWest 2010 Show and have a chance to win yourself a 1.25GHz eMac to run MorphOS on.

I hope to see some of you at the show, please introduce yourself.

David W. Morris
aka AmigaDave
Efficient by Design