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Posted By: AndreasM. on 2013/1/18 12:22:56
Since today there is an update available, so Roadshow can also be used on MorphOS. Roadshow is much faster than the internal TCP/IP stack of MorphOS 3.1. Please note, that with MorphOS a manual installation of roadshow is required. The supplied installation script will not run under MorphOS. The user should therefore be familiar with the operating system. The manually installed Roadshow is now directly usable and requires no further intervention to boot. New sample files for the network usage on the Pegasos / Pegasos II, and for Apple hardware are also included. The update can be downloaded for free on the support page of Roadshow.
Posted By: Krashan. on 2013/1/18 6:44:49
Szilárd Biró has ported Daniel's Remar platform game RetroBattle. It is a classic platformer done in oldschool NES style, so it features schematic graphics, small sprites, low number of colors and basic animation. Fortunately playability is not lost, however the game is not very easy, especially as it is played with keyboard. The game can be downloaded from our download section.
Posted By: Daff. on 2013/1/18 6:30:36
The Amiga Games List maintained by David 'Daff' Brunet since April 1991 was updated in early 2013 with its 42nd edition. Thus the total reached 11,894 entries as follows:

10 802 Games
912 Extensions or data discs
134 Game/level editors
46 Interpreters

Now, there are 389 native MorphOS games.
Posted By: kiero. on 2013/1/11 9:15:07
Smilla is an application which might prove usefull for people who are in a need for highly upscaled version of a raster image. Used algorithm was developed by Mischa Lusteck. It is most effective for high scaling factors and for line-art/painted images. In current shape it is enough for my personal needs but if i get enough feedback more features might be implemented. Application can be downloaded at:
Posted By: ASiegel. on 2013/1/5 17:08:49

The MorphOS 3.2 SDK is now available. The package comes with updated GG environment, current MorphOS includes, updated documentation, and many minor fixes. Please note that this is a beta release.

Minimum requirements: MorphOS 3.1.

Apart from the installation archive, a package with GG and GCC sources used in the SDK is also available for download.

Posted By: Joe_Kearn. on 2013/1/2 16:09:25
Taran im Abenteuerland is an old adventure game (German language) for the Amiga (68k) and PC. Achim Kern of KeHo Software is now using Hollywood5 for the game, and now there is also an AmigaOS4 and today also a MorphOS version available. In the game you are Taran and you have to defeat the dark forces and help your king to regain his kingdom. If you like the game - please make a paypal donation on his homepage.

More infos can found at:
Posted By: softwarefailure. on 2013/1/1 13:51:21
This is it! Airsoft Softwair has saved their greatest firework for New Year's Day! MUI Royale is a plugin for Hollywood that finally allows you to easily create MUI GUIs with Hollywood. MUI Royale supports over 40 MUI classes including popular third-party classes like TextEditor.mcc and TheBar.mcc. Creating and managing menustrips is also fully supported. The plugin sets new standards concerning the ease of use because the GUI layout can be conveniently defined using an XML file that is converted into a MUI GUI by MUI Royale on the fly. GUI design has never been so easy! Of course, new features of MUI 3.9 (AmigaOS 4) and MUI 4.0 (MorphOS) are also supported.
Posted By: Kronos. on 2013/1/1 10:05:31
SteamDraw the vector-oriented GFX-program for MorphOS is now available in version 2.2. The following (and more) changes have been made over version 2.1:

• added "Project"-entry in objectlist to set the overall size of a drawing
• new tab "Position&Size" to manual edit objects.

Available via Grunch, or directly at:
Posted By: ChrisH. on 2012/12/29 20:39:27
This is a quick update to eGame, to fix problems that some users were having. It also looks a lot nicer. eGame allows you to keep an easily searchable list of games for playing - rather than having to hunt through lots of folders using Workbench/Wanderer/Ambient. Read more for changes.
Posted By: ASiegel. on 2012/12/26 10:58:19
Harry "Piru" Sintonen provided information regarding the status of the MorphOS port for Apple's PowerMac G5:

Everything is progressing nicely. Bigfoot also did some preliminary benchmarking using the same LAME (13 seconds) and MPlayer (49 seconds) benchmarks as used here. (This is with the 2.0 GHz G5.)


Merry XMAS everyone.