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Posted By: AndreasM. on 2004/1/5 2:13:48
You can see the preview from the german Print-Mag Amiga Future #46 (Januar/Februar 2004) on

Reviews: Pegasos 2, Image Installer and so on.
Previews: AmigaOS 4, Gladiator.....
On our CoverCD: more as 15 fullversions.

exclusive video SOMS
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/12/31 15:04:12

Good news everyone,

I just uploaded the binaries for the MorphOS version of Poseidon V2.2. The archive is available as usually from my homepage.

This is an intermediate solution and laire doesn't like it, so if something goes wrong, blame it on me and not the rest of the MorphOS team. Don\'t hesitate to report any problems.
Posted By: Amizilla. on 2003/12/31 6:47:18
Chicago, Illinois -- Dec 30, 2003 -- DiscreetFX LLC Inc., Real-time Broadcast Quality Visual Effects developer for the Amiga/Video Toaster Flyer and MorphOS, releases the Amiga/Video Toaster 4000/Flyer/MorphOS version of Spontaneous Combustion.
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/12/31 0:17:39
Have updated "IRCNews," the AmIRC RSS newsfeed reader in the download area.

- results are now given privately
- more newsfeeds
- now gets the "DE" version where available

Download it HERE

*Notes in ReadMore
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/12/31 0:13:12
Thanks to Bifford, the MWD has been updated with more "webgrabs" for previewing sites before visiting them. Thanks Bifford!
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/12/29 15:12:24
Pegasos II owners must make a firmware update before doing any changes to OpenFirmware.

bPlan Announcement (English)
bPlan Announcement(Deutsch)

"Before you made changes to your Pegasos II openfirmware you must change the installed flash version of your Pegasos II mainboard first.

Please excuse the incommodities. Do not use this update for Pegasos I mainboards. Use only the file we offered here for the down load."

{Thanks to and MorphOS-News for catching this announcement!}
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/12/27 4:04:25
There is an md5 checksum error in the HDInstall.bat file on the MorphOS 1.4 CD included with the Pegasos-II which prevents install to HD. To correct this issue, please follow one of the following methods:

1) Use the downloadable iso
2) copy morphosboot:#? dest: all clone
3) or fix the hdinstall problems with the following script: HERE

(The page also describes how to make the script.)
Posted By: Velcro_SP. on 2003/12/25 15:29:14
Because I am a fan of the old Atari 8bit line of computers as well as a MorphOS user, I put up a page telling people the basics of running the Atari800 emulator on MorphOS. Here is my Atari800 on MorphOS webpage.
Posted By: tokai. on 2003/12/24 12:02:39
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!

--- tokai

(oh.. don't forget to check out the "Read more" link!!! YACMP for MorphOS released. )
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/12/24 3:58:36
Another Christmas present! This time, it's an update to PTP DigCam! Check out the screenshot in ReadMore, and download the update HERE

Main enhancement for this release :

- Camera serial number added
- Sounds management added (usefull for Canon camera)

PTP DigCam V0.9 Released (... more)