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Posted By: on 2004/1/12 7:46:47
Attention all MorphOS fanatics in the Great Lakes Michigan Area!

The Michigan Amiga Computing Resource Organization is back in action for regular meeting in 2004..

Click ReadMore for details!

Catch our online virtual meeting in January at:
Posted By: Targhan. on 2004/1/11 17:55:37
Tales of Tamar has been updated with many bugfixes, changes, and updates, including the "black screen" bug under MorphOS.

Changes have been made to init-screen, mapscreens, building screens, the mail system, and more.

The announcement (scroll down for English) at: ToT Forums

The Update

Posted By: AndreasM. on 2004/1/11 17:14:37
Posted By: tokai. on 2004/1/11 17:08:18
The archives are updated and some old but harmless issues are now finally fixed. Both tools where originaly developed by Thomas 'THOR' Richter and now continued by Christian 'tokai' Rosentreter.

Block 2.05 (atm.: 68k, MorphOS, win32) is a tool for splitting and joining files. A LinuxPPC version will be added to the archive in the next days.

CMP 40.6 (atm.: 68k, MorphOS) is a tool for comparing binary files and print the difference in a TYPE HEX style output.

Get new versions from here
Posted By: Targhan. on 2004/1/11 17:07:29
Visit the AmiGOD2 benchmarks page to see the PegasosII G4 results. (Top of the list, of coarse.)

Anyone with a Pegasos-][ G3 want to post their results?
Posted By: Targhan. on 2004/1/11 17:04:20
MorphVNC 1.3 is available: Here.

See ReadMore for a list of changes.
Posted By: Targhan. on 2004/1/7 17:21:26
Spanish Documentation for the Pegasos-][ is now available. The document is in HTML format and can be downloaded as either ZIP or LHA.

Special thanks to Juan Carlos Marcos Rodríguez who voluntarily translated the manual!
Posted By: palpatine. on 2004/1/7 17:16:46
Genesi has updated their resellers information page on

The page also includes new information on the next PegasosII production(s) and the availability of traded-in Pegasos1 boards.
Posted By: Targhan. on 2004/1/6 15:12:37
IOSPIRIT prolongs special price promotion
IOSPIRIT verlängert Sonderpreisaktion

Due to the still high interest in our special price promotion just after the official end of it, IOSPIRIT has decided to prolong the special price promotion by a month until the 1st February 2004.

(ReadMore for Duestch)
Posted By: Targhan. on 2004/1/6 2:51:53
Genesi and Cloanto Announce Personal Paint for MorphOS

Genesi and Cloanto announced today that they entered into an agreement to develop a port of Cloanto's Personal Paint for MorphOS.