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Posted By: Targhan. on 2004/3/4 6:28:41
New versions of RxMUI, TheBar, and CManager have appeared on

The new version of CManager fixes several bugs.
Posted By: mcbarlo. on 2004/3/2 17:49:37
Snes 9x Starter 1.0 for MorphOS
You can download it from here

- added new options "transparency" , "frame skip" and "sound filter"
- you can launch roms with the space in name
- now program support locale.library (#?.cd file in archive)
Posted By: Targhan. on 2004/3/1 7:42:45
ANR Rulez! Yes, the winner of the best new freeware is none other than AmiNetRadio. Congrat's to the entire amigazeux crew, and to all of the software developers supporting our platform.

Also, thanks to cecilia for the award graphic!

1'st Place: AmiNetRadio
2'nd Place: ZoneXplorer
3'rd Place: CyberLemmings
Posted By: Targhan. on 2004/2/28 15:40:01
On the Feb 27 2004 episode of ScreenSavers on the cable channel TechTV, mainstream computing guru, John C. Dvorak, mentions MorphOS.
MorphOS Mentioned on TechTV
Size: 2.5M, format 3ivx (froggerng/mplayer compatible).

A nice mention by a respected journalist on a popular American technology show.

Update! The show notes on the TechTV website mentions and links to! Catch the page HERE.
Posted By: mcbarlo. on 2004/2/28 15:39:29
Pawel "Stefkos" Stefanski wrote SNES9xStarter. It is GUI for SNES9x emulator. You can see this program here and download it here.
Posted By: Corto. on 2004/2/27 22:09:22
Posted By: Zola. on 2004/2/27 20:15:33
Issue 34 of the World famous Crypt Online magazine is now ready and waiting for you to enjoy.

Tribes, brings you the true stories of the struggle these majestic people had in there desperate plight to keep there way of life. And the tales of the barbarism of the white man.
Posted By: Amizilla. on 2004/2/26 6:01:26
DiscreetFX - Going, going gone sale

We have limited availability of the Amiga version of Pyromania so are making it available for the unheard of price of $18.95 including shipping via Paypal only. This product also works great with MorphOS! This award winning Amiga and Video Toaster Flyer package has been see all over television on shows like Blind Date and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Get yours before they are all gone forever. Send paypal payments to sales AT discreetfx DOT com and put Pyromania Offer in your subject heading.
Posted By: itix. on 2004/2/25 23:46:07
It ain't perfect but does its job.

Get an archive or check a screenshot.
Posted By: cecilia. on 2004/2/25 1:28:33
Genesi announced today that the Pegasos II G4 using the recently announced 7447A will be shipping as soon as the CPU is commercially released by Motorola. Until then the 7447 will be shipped with the Pegasos II G4.

Motorola has validated the 7447A as a "Supported Motorola Product" for MorphOS, the Pegasos, and the Open Desktop Workstation.

Both the PegasosPPC and the Open Desktop Workstation have been validated as "Evaluation/Development Boards and Systems" for the 7447 and 7447A G4 CPUs.