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Posted By: AndreasM. on 2007/5/8 16:45:56
Amiga Future 66 (May/June 2007) is released today. This means that all subscriptions, preorders and single issues have been brought to the postal office.

Again you'll find in this issue numerous reviews of i.e Hollywood, Airline Tycoon Deluxe, Poseidon, MUIbase, EvenMore and a lot more.

Besides lots of PD software we have included many full versions and exclusive material on the cover CD aswell:

Aqua, Film Duell, Amibroker, Legions of Dawn, Black Dawn, Artistix, Funhouse IV, Thunderdawn, Dark Fiction, Dragon Music, Dark Fiction 2, Dragon Crew, Illusions, Paradox, White Rabbits, Chaos Wars

A more detailed description of contents and excerpts can be found at .

Posted By: magnetic. on 2007/5/8 16:18:36
Sunday May 06, 2007

Magnetic Systems, a long time Amiga dealer, is pleased to announce the forming of a New Amiga User Group! The Southern California Amiga and PowerPC User Group. (SCAPUG) This group is devoted to support of Classic Amigas, Next Gen PPC Amigas like Pegasos and Amiga 1, as well as Linux PPC users! We have a fantastic location for meetings which is the Santa Monica Public Library..

Posted By: tokai. on 2007/4/28 6:06:54
OpenTTD 0.5.1The OpenTTD Team released an update for OpenTTD 0.5 branch which fixes many known bugs and adds a few new features. You can download it with BitTorrent directly from (very fast).

Futher we resolved the problems we had with current 0.6 branch, so if no new problems will appear then the future of OpenTTD on MorphOS is secured for now. Thanks to all OpenTTD users who commented in the last thread here on (

Read the full story directly on (you also find slower HTTP download of the 0.5.1 release there... in case you have trouble with the BitTorrent download).
Posted By: AndreasM. on 2007/4/23 21:26:24
Recently a new patch for Desert Racing has been put online.

The game should run faster now and we hope that different problems could be eliminated.

The 3rd patch for the demo of Desert Racing can be downloaded directly from the support page.

The patch for the full version is only available directly via email (because of personalization) from .
Posted By: ironfist. on 2007/4/21 18:44:37
The number one alternative computer event in west of Sweden - PUSH - will be held this year in June. The doors will open Friday 15th June at 20:00 (8 PM) and we go on until Sunday 17th at 15:00 (3 PM). The party is open to everyone running alternative operating systems. The PUSH building is a Windows Free Zone. The news for this year is that we lower the entrance fee, instead of going with the inflation. The new fee is 140 SEK for pre-registered attendees and 240 SEK if you show up unregistered. We will be at the same place as previous years - at Wartag?rden in Gothenburg. More information and driving directions are available on the PUSH website.

If you are interested in visiting PUSH we would like you to pre-register at the PUSH website. The registration is not binding at all. If you don't come we won't charge you a single ?re. It is just to make it a little easier for us to know how many visitors we must prepare for.

More information will follow closer to the event, but if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask in the forum or drop us a mail/PM.

See you there!
Posted By: AndreasM. on 2007/4/21 18:44:06
Some time ago we rereleased the German Amiga Guru Book. We have promised to care for a reprint of the English Amiga Guru Book aswell.

Recently we've been fully occupied with various other projects (amongst others the English version of the Amiga Future) and couldn't take care of the Guru Book.

Now we have more time and want to work more intensely on this project.

Because of that we ask all users who are interested in a reprint of the Amiga Guru Book to drop an email to using the subject "Guru Book".

This is not a preorder! We only want to check if there are enough interested people for a reprint!
We are not able to tell a price nor release date!
Posted By: on 2007/4/9 10:51:20
Due to popular request all screenshots of Hollywood 2.5 and Hollywood Designer 2.0 can
now be downloaded also in their original format, losslessly compressed with PNG. Two
packages with screenshots of Hollywood 2.5 (download ) and Hollywood Designer 2.0 (download)
are now available on the Airsoft Softwair homepage.

Furthermore, I would like to inform all interested users of the existence of a mailing
list for Hollywood which can be accessed at
This mailing list is open to all users who have questions about Hollywood and/or Hollywood
Designer. Also users who do not own Hollywood yet can subscribe to it.

Finally, a Happy Easter to all Amiga users around the world from Airsoft Softwair!
Posted By: AndreasM. on 2007/4/7 22:13:44
The German magazine Amiga Future is taking over the famous English magazine Total Amiga from issue 27.

In a very close cooperation with Robert Williams, and the Total Amiga Team, we have realized a concept to guarantee the future of an English magazine for a very long time.

Posted By: realstar. on 2007/4/4 15:51:28
HyperCannon is an original arcade style shoot-em-up game. This version adds on-the-fly overlay mode switching, a custom mp3 playlist feature and 2 completely new levels to play through. There are a few gameplay improvements and new enemies/bosses too.
Posted By: HammerD. on 2007/3/29 17:30:58
I am pleased to offer the latest version of the Remote Desktop client for MorphOS users!

The Remote Desktop Client web page is HD-Zone.