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Posted By: ASiegel. on 2011/7/19 20:40:07

The MorphOS development team would like to announce that a new version of the MorphOS Software Development Kit 2 is now available. All developers who are interested to upgrade their existing MorphOS development infrastructure will need a computer running MorphOS 2.7 and at least 300 MB of free disk space.

The July 2011 release of the MorphOS SDK 2 includes the following changes:

  • GCC 4.4.5, 2.95.4
  • Fixed GCC 2.95.3 not to generate AltiVec code in C++ exceptions handling

You can download the MorphOS SDK 2 in our files section.

Posted By: Papiosaur. on 2011/4/21 21:01:08
RELEC society in partnership with website http://www.meta organizes a competition open to all programmers on the planet.

A development machine for MorphOS is to win: it's a EFIKA 5200B "DELUXE EDITION", a unique prototype proposed by RELEC. The list of elements is given later in this article.
Posted By: Tcheko. on 2011/4/12 16:03:30
Antoine Dubourg a.k.a. Tcheko released its latest production : spellchecker.library 1.0

This new library offers spellchecking feature based on a dictionary of words. It uses common and efficient spellchecking algorithms : double metaphone and Levenshtein distance (used in major Office package like OpenOffice, AbiWord...). This first release is aimed mainly at developer as no application currently uses spellchecker.library. 
Posted By: MaaG. on 2011/4/3 9:47:36
A set of programs for creating and editing makefiles called MakeTools has been updated to version 1.1. The work focused on the removal of several more or less serious errors earlier version. In addition, using Makemake, you can modify the contents of the file Makemake (argument SET) and read the value (argument GET) from other programs or command line. The archive contains versions for MorphOS and AmigaOS3 is available on the website of the author or from Aminet.
Posted By: ChrisH. on 2011/2/7 18:47:44
I am releasing a "full preview" of the next version of the PortablE programming language. It is now aimed at beginners & those new to the E language. Previous releases of PortablE were aimed at existing AmigaE users, and those familiar with AmigaOS programming. But after more than a year of development, PortablE is much easier for beginners to pick-up & play with...
Posted By: MaaG. on 2010/12/15 0:22:00
<span style="font-weight: bold;">MakeTool</span> is a new option for people who write software, create, and other locations for which the use of scripts makefile smakefile this bread.
Posted By: Krashan. on 2010/9/3 21:31:44
ChocolateCastle is a template source code generator for MUI and Reggae classes. Current version generates C sources for internal classes, linked with the main program. The class skeleton code is customized with nice, MUI based graphical interface. Generating Reggae classes is a new feature of version 0.6. The program is distributed with source code and may be downloaded from the download section.
Posted By: stefkos. on 2010/6/19 20:19:23
The very first release of a plug-in SDK for the applications Sketch and Scandal has been published.. If you are a developer, you can now create your own effect plug-in  for these two applications. You can download the SDK archive from here

Please make sure to read the included documentation / source comments and then compile, compile, compile.

-MorphOS SDK 2 must be installed
-Knowledge about graphics programming
-Free time

We will be looking forward to test your plug-ins!
Posted By: ChrisH. on 2009/11/27 17:09:00
PortablE r5 released (now runs on MorphOS)
A new version of PortablE has been released. PortablE is an AmigaE compiler, written from scratch in E, and able to compile itself. It supports Windows, Amiga OS3, OS4, AROS & MorphOS.
Posted By: IKE. on 2009/11/12 14:49:45
A MorphOS Development Wiki has been established.

The goal of this Wiki is to collect and provide development information for everyone who is interested in developing software for MorphOS primarily in the C/C++ language and APIs.

For those familiar with Tiki Wiki, you are aware of it's (overwhelming at times) power. Therefore, a second goal of this site, is to provide a clean, cut down Wiki that is easy to navigate and with minimal distracting bells and whistles. In most cases many features will not be included on the site if they exist in other places, for instance, Forums will take advantage of synergies that already exist in the MorphOS community (i.e. MorphZone). Other programming language Wiki's already have been established such as Python and FreePascal, etc.

Please consider registering and contributing your knowledge so that we can grow the MorphOS developer base:
