Press : : Amiga38 special issue: Appeal to all programmers
Posted By: AndreasM. on 2023/6/28 20:06:06
On the Amiga38, as on the Amiga37, there will again be a special issue of the Amiga Future, which every visitor to the event will receive free of charge at the entrance. In addition to a floor plan, information about the exhibitors, vouchers, etc., we want to publish a special area in this issue where programmers can present their programs/games.

<div>We are particularly concerned with programmers and their works, which you rarely hear about on news sites etc., but are important help for many users.

For this purpose, every programmer receives 4000 characters (not words!) from us in the special issue, where he can present his work to the users in his own words. The text should be available in German and English.
Don't worry, we'll help translate if necessary. But we basically leave the lyrics as they are. Ie. Don't just clap a few lines, take your time. And pay attention to the spelling. :) This is about your software.</div> <div>
</div> <div>The rules are simple:</div>
- Deadline for submission is August 1st, 2023 via email to
- The sooner we have the text, the better.
- The German and English text must each be 2000 characters long. So a total of 4000 characters.
- Please send the text as a pure ACSII file. (file size = number of characters)
- The text must have a source for the software at the end (e.g. Aminet Link) and of course the name of the programmer.
- It is of course also possible to submit several ideas about different programmes/games.
- The age of the program does not matter.

The space in the special issue is inevitably limited.

That's why the program presentations that reach us earliest and are best written will be given their place first in the magazine.
Of course, all other performances don't end up in the bin. These will then be published on our homepage and/or the Amiga Future CoverCD.
So nothing is lost.

If you have any questions, and how will there be, just write an email to

And since the Amiga Future turned 25 this year, we rafled among all participants 1x Amiga Future annual subscription with CoverCD.
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Joined: 2012/4/28
    Posts: 546
    Donating to developers who create games and programs that are later on the CoverCD would be a great initiative.
  • »2023/6/30 8:45