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Posted By: stefkos. on 2005/3/11 20:30:26
With some help of MorphOS and LinuxPPC users/developers i made
Miliarderzy 1.0 version.
You can download it from
(MorphOS and LinuxPPC version inside).
This version also need one from the latest avaiable
powersdl.library ( )
Posted By: Sonic. on 2005/3/1 16:18:32
A new port is uploaded to GeekGadgets:

bsdmainutils 6.0.17 - a collection of utilities from *BSD. Built from Debian package.
Posted By: itix. on 2005/2/18 13:43:47
The MorphOS CD Player 1.2 is finally released. New shiny GUI, CDText support
and much more!
Posted By: on 2005/2/11 6:55:02
For all people who do not know Malibu yet and want to know what it looks like to run Scala scripts on Workbench screen, there is now a presentation video available which shows several Scala example scripts with Hollywood 1.9 and Malibu 1.1. This should give you a fairly good impression of how powerful Malibu is. The video is available for download from the Airsoft Softwair homepage.

Please note that Malibu requires at least Hollywood 1.9. It will not work without it because it is just a plugin which runs on top of the Multimedia application layer.
Posted By: nexusdev. on 2005/2/10 15:59:25
Emanuele Cesaroni of the still alive Nexus Development is happy to give as a present his last (and so awaited) project for the MorphOS operating system. The (e)audio.device is an enhanced PPC device which redirects to-paula calls to the AHI rtg audio layer. Many thanks and salutes from Italy.

Download it from
Posted By: AndreasM. on 2005/2/10 15:52:49
A new patch of the 68k version of AmiATLAS is available on request for registered users. It brings more stability within MOS & OS4 in their latest releases.

Also available, AmigaKONTO and AmigaAUTO.
Posted By: Targhan. on 2005/2/3 19:20:23
As indicated in the forums, Scalos is currently being ported to MorphOS.

Please see the following news-items from the official Scalos website: Click Here for more information.

In support of this port, MorphZone will have a new forum supporting Scalos in the very near future.
Posted By: tokai. on 2005/1/26 10:27:48
The newest version of the GPL'ed "Transport Tycoon Deluxe" clone OpenTTD can be downloaded for MorphOS from here.

The release contains again uncountable many new Features, Changes and Bugfixes. For a full list please read the Changelog.
Posted By: Kamul. on 2005/1/25 18:38:24
Pixel32 for MorphOS is available. As author says:

"This is very very first alpha version of MorphOS version. Do not expect
production state, it's very unstable and I'm releasing it just because it
needs heavy testing. For now it runs only in 32bit resolutions."

I'm not sure, but I think only registered users are allowed to download it.
Posted By: roschmyr. on 2005/1/25 15:16:40
January 24th, 2005
Released first alpha version for MorphOS in members area. Registered users please read restrictions and e-mail me any bugreports. As this is first release for PowerPC, it needs heavy testing and there are still some Endian and video byte-order issues.
