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Posted By: AndreasM. on 2004/7/12 14:57:06
Today the issue #49 (July/August) of the Amiga Future has been released.

Beside the AmigaOS 4 Pre-Release review we have also a review of the Hardware-Assistent, Hollywood-Designer, Amiga Forever 6.0, Open Transport Tycoon and of course LGeneral this time.
Posted By: Targhan. on 2004/7/11 18:51:47
At long last, the comments are now working in the photo-album. You can post comments on the photos, screenshots, and backdrops of the photo-album as expected. We realize this was an inconvenience, and apologize for the delay.

Also, the number of 'posts' listed on a picture may not match the actual number of posts. This is erroneous data in the database. To fix the incorrect numbers, MorphZone will need your help...
Posted By: Stevo. on 2004/7/10 20:02:00
The latest version of MAME for MorphOS (done by Fab) is released.

Changes since 0.72 :
Bumped to 0.84 common tree.
Optimized blit speeds, especially on peg2.
Supports on-the-fly window/screen switch (alt-enter by default)
Not compiled with gcc 3.x this time, as this led to some nasty bugs.
Improved gui (history.dat and mameinfo.dat support, favorites list,...)
Command line interface mode changed :
now uses the official mame syntax (mame.elf -showusage) for help.
also supports mamerc config files.

Get it here:
Posted By: Bifford. on 2004/7/10 20:01:03
The latest issue of Total Amiga has come back from the printers and has been posted to subscribers across the world who should begin to receive their magazines early next week.
Posted By: MorphDelf. on 2004/7/7 18:41:17, the online magazine, now features an ongoing MorphOS 1.4 guide.

Select "Readmore" to see's letter to the community.
Posted By: liquidbit. on 2004/7/7 18:38:50
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Commodore is back, this time with its an MP3 player. Dubbed the e-Vic, it's named after the old Vic-20 games machine. The connection: the e-Vic has a 20GB hard drive.
Posted By: Targhan. on 2004/7/5 18:15:51
AmigArt,, has been recently hacked, creating a complete loss of their news archives. Guvenc, webmaster of AmigArt and the MorphZone Swedish moderator, may not be able to continue AmigArt due to this unfortunate incident.

More information about the incident, and AmigArt's reaction, can be found
Posted By: tonho. on 2004/7/1 22:36:04
Posted By: Targhan. on 2004/7/1 6:58:00
There is a new skin avialable, Sky. Check it out, HERE.
Posted By: AndreasM. on 2004/6/28 16:03:04
Today the preview and reading/layout trial of the issue July/August 2004 #49 of the Amiga Future went online.

Besides a review of the AmigaOS 4 Pre-release you can find of course further reviews/previews i.e. of Open Transport Tycoon, LGeneral, Barkanoidz 2, Hollywood Designer, Amiga Forever 6.0 and much more.