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Posted By: on 2004/8/24 3:46:41
An update for all users of Hollywood 1.9 is available now. This is mostly a bug-fix update but it has some new features as well. The update is provided for free and can be downloaded from the Airsoft Softwair homepage. It can be used with all versions of Hollywood 1.9, i.e. AmigaOS3, WarpOS and MorphOS binaries... (more)
Posted By: on 2004/8/23 5:25:48
Here is a unique opportunity to purchase your own 3D software! Not off the shelf -- we're talking source code, trademarks and everything! Nova Design, Inc. has put the entire rights and source code to one of their top software titles, Aladdin 4D, up for auction on eBay. Anyone interested can bid and buy a complete 3D-animation package from the world's most popular online auction house!
Posted By: scf. on 2004/8/22 17:37:32
Today is the second day of Chaos Constructions '04 Demo party held in St.Peterburg, Russia. People have free access to two Pegasos machines, watching demos, writting CD's with party stuff...
Posted By: Targhan. on 2004/8/19 18:18:52
Distributed LISP is a new scripting language inspired by Lisp (a minimal, fast Lisp interpreter).

If you have ever written an installation script for the Commodore Installer, you know what Lisp programs look like: a lot of parantheses, but, on the bright side no semicolons....

Posted By: Targhan. on 2004/8/17 17:06:37
During the next few hours, MorphZone will be undergoing several security upgrades and forum upgrades. There may be a temporary loss of services, permissions, and other inconveniences.

However, this interruption will bring a wealth of new features to the forums.

(please note, the flags and some formatting may take a few days to put back into place)
Posted By: timofonic. on 2004/8/17 7:52:05
GoldED Studio AIX, C/C++ IDE and editor for AmigaOS and MorphOS, has been updated.

Click on "Read more" for detailed information...
Posted By: scf. on 2004/8/16 16:32:35
With thank to Vlad Vinogradov (Vinnny) "MorphOS in Detail 2.0" article is available in russian too now.
Posted By: LT56. on 2004/8/16 16:32:22
Posted By: ironfist. on 2004/8/16 16:31:33
Kozz has done a great job during the last week. He "ported" the news feed from to WAP. If you want the latest Pegasos news on the fly - tune in - The World of Pegasos in Your Hands
Posted By: Acill. on 2004/8/15 16:53:07
The big exhibition for classic computers and video games takes place for the seventh time this year. It is a tribute to the people, systems and games of yesteryear. The event has moved from Las Vegas to San Jose, CA, it takes place in the Convention Center, located downtown San Jose, and is therefore much bigger than the previous years.

More than 60 celebrities that played important roles in development of computers and games in the past 25 years are on the guest list. CGE is open to the public and gamers of all ages are welcome.