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Posted By: Daytona675x. on 2015/6/11 9:23:41
Wings Battlefield available!

Cherry-Darling is pleased to announce that our new game Wings Battlefield is finally available for purchase from the following resellers:

Because we only have few test machines we strongly suggest to try before you buy!
Quite some things were improved since the first demo version, so make sure to get the latest one!
Posted By: Daff. on 2015/1/27 7:48:16
Each year you can vote for the best Amiga game of the previous twelve months. Now it's time for the Amiga Games Award 2014!

To vote for the best AmigaOS 68k, AmigaOS 4, MorphOS, or AROS games, you can rate them at this page :

There will be no "global" winner, but a winner by systems (AmigaOS 68k, AmigaOS 4.x, MorphOS and AROS).

The final results will be published Saturday, February 7, 2015.
Posted By: Drako^lM. on 2015/1/13 22:26:16
Stefkos has just released: OpenXCom 1.0 based on sources from january 2015 ( you can take game from here ).
OpenTTD 1.5.0 - beta1 without network support atm (avaiable from here).

You can read about this games on their project sites :
Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe
Posted By: Daytona675x. on 2014/10/2 6:23:03
Hi, our new MorphOS (and AmigaOS 4 Warp3D) game "VoxelNoid" is ready for download here.

For free! Although donations are welcome, of course. There's a press-kit and DVD-cover-art available too.
Posted By: realstar. on 2014/7/13 18:39:24
A new version GenesisPlus is now available for download. This one adds a preview pic in the main window and thumbnails for the savestate manager plus a few other features / fixes.

v1.7 July 13 2014
- filters employed to only show valid rom filenames (.cue|.bin|.smd||.sms|.gg)
- auto detect of pal and ntsc roms and set audio/video timings accordingly
- preview pics in startup window added
- thumbnails added to savestate manager

Download here:
Posted By: Drako^lM. on 2014/2/9 9:27:49
A new version of OpenXcom is avaiable for MorphOS. It is based on a source code snapshot from February 4, 2014
  • Load and store data speed improved
  • Playing of animation
  • Saving the log out of the game
  • Better possibility of modding
  • Game run lite faster speed improvements
Please check the original game's development log for more details regarding these changes. The new version is avaiable here.
Posted By: Daff. on 2014/2/9 9:24:23
On February 8th 2014, the magazine Obligement have announced the results of the Amiga Games Award 2013. This represents the best Amiga games voted by amigans on all Amiga platforms.

For MorphOS :

1. Battle Squadron Collectors Edition (Cope Com).
2. Speed Dreams 2 (Jean-Philippe Meuret, Gaëtan André, Xavier Bertaux).
3. Aliens versus Predator (Rebelion Developments/Fox Interactive).
Posted By: Daff. on 2014/1/15 11:28:00
The Amiga Games List maintained by David 'Daff' Brunet since April 1991 was updated with its 43rd edition published 14th january. Thus the total reached 12,093 entries as follows:

11001 Games
910 Extensions or data discs
137 Game/level editors
45 Interpreters

There are new 417 entries for MorphOS.
Posted By: TorbenLarsen. on 2013/12/23 18:54:43
Hello everyone,

We just got another system on go and live for the Amiga legend Battle Squadron, now made available for MorphOS Amiga Legend Released for MorphOS - CHRISTMAS SURPRISE!!
Posted By: realstar. on 2013/9/3 10:33:22
Version 1.5 of GenesisPlus is now available for download. This is a major update featuring a new emulation core that now supports Genesis - SegaCD - MasterSystem and GameGear. It also features a gui save state manager and better controller re-mapping.

Get it here:

V1.5 Sept. 03 2013
- Major update complete overhaul of emulation core to new based on the latest GenesisPlus Wii version
- Sega CD, MasterSystem and GameGear emulation
- Better window size handling
- Seperate rom dirs for each supported console
- New input configuration panel
- XBox 360 gamepad support via sensors.library
- New save state manager panel
- Many other bug fixes and improvements
