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Posted By: JKD. on 2004/4/15 0:23:32
Just a quick reminder that Amiwest, which has been the only west coast US Amiga show for some years, is on again this year - July 24th and 25th at the following location:

Inn at the Oaks
2600 Auburn Blvd.
Sacramento California 95821

Hotel reservations: Reservations Phone 1-916-487-7600
(toll-free line to be announced later)
and by snail-mail at the above address.

Check out the details on the SACC website:

Amiwest 2004

Tickets are cheaper in advance.

Vendors can also sign up from the website

Hopefully be a place to buy AmigaOne's, Pegasos, see a released OS4, MOS1.5 and more.....


Posted By: on 2004/4/14 19:21:07
After a long development time, Hollywood Designer 1.0 is now available and can be ordered on
the Airsoft Softwair website . Hollywood Designer is a high-end presentation software that creates together with Hollywood 1.9 the ultimate Multimedia suite for
your Amiga or Pegasos.
Posted By: Targhan. on 2004/4/13 23:40:22
Staring at another news item in your browser? Listening to tunes with your favorite MP3 player? How about watching a movie, playing a game, using a database, or simply writing an email?

Well, let that developer know that you are using their software! Find the About Box in the menu of your applications, and send those software authors an email! Don't stop there either! Write the artists who made your favorite icons or backdrops! Send an instant message IRCops, and in general let those folks know you appreciate thier efforts.

April 14 (GMT) is now Developer Feedback Day!
Posted By: Stevo. on 2004/4/13 21:32:18
LAME is a highquality and ultrafast MP3 encoder released under the LGPL. Tokai just made a new binary release of latest version for the lazy people out there.

Get it here!
Posted By: Targhan. on 2004/4/13 20:51:56
MAME 0.80 for MorphOS has been released consisting of several improvements over the previous version. Note, this is the executable only, and it needs 0.72 or 0.69 directory structure.

- bumped to 0.80 common tree
- Triple buffered in fullscreen
- reduction in sound lag
- a few minor bugfixes

Download HERE, size = 12.6M
Posted By: Targhan. on 2004/4/13 20:51:39
Reported by: Mithalas

New on Beta2 FTP Server
- Item (copy to)
- commodities.library (mossys:libs/)
- iffparse.library (mossys:libs/)
- parallel.device (mossys:devs/)
Posted By: Targhan. on 2004/4/12 16:52:06
Another TranspoClock update released. Changes since last version are: small bugfixes, "Remind in x minutes" buttons take seconds into account now.

TranspoClock is a simple transparent clock with a reminder feature. You can download it here.

Posted By: MacFly. on 2004/4/6 16:36:40
Go to for the latest screenshots and information about the upcoming DVD writing package for MorphOS.

Coming Soon...
Posted By: on 2004/4/6 15:46:09
After almost a year of development, Hollywood 1.9 is now available and can be ordered on
the Airsoft Softwair homepage. Hollywood 1.9 is a major update that has a lot of new features.
Hollywood Designer will be released in a few days and can also be ordered now.
Posted By: Neko. on 2004/4/5 21:34:11