Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 568 from 2003/2/24
From: Netherlands
Hello everybody,
I've played some more with MLDonkey and enqueueTorrent.
Followed exactly the installation steps of MLDonkey and enqueueTorrent.
I get exactly the same results as klapdeur did have at the beginning!
When starting up IBrowse I see nicely the same "GUI" as in the picture of tokai.
But giving the command
vm give as result:
--- Connected to 3 servers on the Donkey network ---
[Donkey 2192]
Users:0 Files:0 State:Connecting
[Donkey 2328] Donkey Control Server
Users:0 Files:0 State:Connecting
[Donkey 2958]
Users:0 Files:0 State:Connecting
--- Connected to 0 servers on the FileTP network ---
As I also installed and configured enqueueTorrent in IBrowse I tried that option with pressing the right mousebutton on a "torrent-link".
The only message was that it did send it to MLDonkey.
Tried the command:
dllink http:...torrent (as Targhan said in this thread)
This gives "done" as answer.
What interests me is that in the CLI-window of MLDonkey I see:
Network.load_complex_options not implemented by BitTorrent
Network.load_complex_options not implemented by FileTP
Error loading ./comments.met: Sys_error("./comments.met: No such file or directory")
Network.recover_temp not implemented by BitTorrent
Network.recover_temp not implemented by FileTP
Furthermore it overwrites the settings I made in downloads.ini and servers.ini.
This is normal?
You wrote you're able to download
.torrent files now?
How did you accomplish that?