Profile for timofonic

All about timofonic
Member Since: 2003/6/28
Rank:Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
Last Login:2007/5/27 21:43


# Schism Tracker, available for OS4 & MorphOS
(2005/5/11 21:21:52)
# SimpleCAM v1.0 Digital Camera Software for MorphOS
(2005/2/7 18:38:03)
# OS4Emu 1.6 released
(2005/2/7 18:26:44)
# Genesi Pilot Projects and Developer Programs Expand
(2004/11/11 13:52:07)
# New net tools for MorphOS
(2004/11/11 8:00:37)
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# Supporting *OPEN* hardware: XGI
(2005/9/6 5:16:43)
# Re: Support for AGA and custom chips?
(2005/8/27 14:51:12)
# Re: Suggestions for PowerUP Version
(2005/8/27 14:43:36)
# Re: A special word of Thanks!
(2005/7/31 3:44:53)
# Re: Firmware Update? Any Progress?
(2005/7/31 3:36:07)
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