Opus 5
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 97 from 2005/10/31

    Thanks for tests.. In general it mean that we need to rever back Itix's changes about png icons support for morphos, as it seems broken more than fixing.

    Then what only will be left its ftp.module which still crashing :(

    As for


    And one other thing, which is also issue on the original DOpus, but which would be nice to get fixed. If you don't have backdropped main window, it doesn't refresh it properly"

    Can you explain a bit more how to reproduce it ? Did you run it on clone workbench mode, or in wbreplacement mode ? And some general step-by-step will help for sure, like "1) run dopus 2) press there 3) press that 4) there bug". Then i can check how it reacts on os3/os4 , and if it the same, then its some general bug, if only morphos, then some morphos only workaround need it.

    [ Edited by kas1e 12.05.2019 - 11:25 ]
  • »12.05.19 - 10:23
  • jPV
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2115 from 2003/2/24
    From: po-RNO

    kas1e wrote:

    And one other thing, which is also issue on the original DOpus, but which would be nice to get fixed. If you don't have backdropped main window, it doesn't refresh it properly"

    Can you explain a bit more how to reproduce it ? Did you run it on clone workbench mode, or in wbreplacement mode ? And some general step-by-step will help for sure, like "1) run dopus 2) press there 3) press that 4) there bug". Then i can check how it reacts on os3/os4 , and if it the same, then its some general bug, if only morphos, then some morphos only workaround need it.

    Steps to reproduce:
    1) Run DOpus
    2) Disable "Opus -> Backdrop" option from the pull-down menu
    3) Resize the "Directory Opus" window

    1) The window will look like this dopusmainwindow.png (the window title bar is missing as well as the scroll arrows at the lower right corner.
    2) If you deactivate the window it will refresh to normal look
    3) If you move any window over the "Directory Opus" window, window borders are cleared under the window while you move over it
    4) Activating the window will refresh it fully visible again, but otherwise it'll stay with cleared/invisible borders

    This only happens with the "Directory Opus" (main) window, never with listers or any other windows.

    It happens with all display modes (Workbench: Use, Workbench:Clone, and with custom screenmodes too), so it's not about it.
  • »12.05.19 - 11:40
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 881 from 2003/3/4
    From: #AmigaZeux, Gu...

    Papiosaur wrote:
    Why don't improve and integrate Dopus fonctionnality to Ambient ?

    Because it's a lot. When I migrated to MorphOS, DOpus was the thing I missed most. Ambient wasn't close, still isn't. File recognition, file handing (custom popup menus, custom icon dragging, etc etc) and the ARexx port are three things just off the top of my head that Ambient is never likely to ever match.

    But most importantly: that is all functionality most people on MorphOS don't need. I needed it back in '99, and it was always frustrating that in a community of hundreds of thousands of users, I could only find a handful who shared that need.

    That said, unfortunately DOpus 5.52 was made for a 3.1 system in 1999, and it shows. Its compatibility with OS3.5 was pretty bad on its own. The fact that it needed to replace workbench rather than supplement it says it all. Workbench just couldn't do much. Ambient, while still no DOpus, is a lot more powerful.

    (And as an aside, ironically DOpus is now at version 12.14 on Windows. I use it, and it has all the same power you used to get from the ARexx port. And now with a potential market of millions, most people still don't need it. Sigh.)
  • »12.05.19 - 17:44
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2279 from 2003/4/10
    From: France
    @KennyR : you have right, Dopus 5 is the most powerfull filemanager ever. I would like to propose to include some fonctionnality of Dopus 5 in Ambient : A best button editor with best accessibility via Ambient, a source and destination windows for example.
  • »12.05.19 - 18:20
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12229 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > When I migrated to MorphOS, DOpus was the thing I missed most.

    Fortunately, it was always possible to use it with MorphOS.

    > DOpus 5.52 was made [...] in 1999

    More like 5.82.
  • »12.05.19 - 20:54
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 881 from 2003/3/4
    From: #AmigaZeux, Gu...

    Andreas_Wolf wrote:
    > When I migrated to MorphOS, DOpus was the thing I missed most.

    Fortunately, it was always possible to use it with MorphOS.

    It works, but without the ability to show MorphOS PNG icons, and being more or less forced to run in its own screen, it might as well have not.

    DOpus was integrated tightly with Workbench. It could close when workbench did. You could drag files from Workbench to DOpus and vice versa. You could drag files from DOpus to a shell window. You couldn't do any of these on MorphOS*, so it was relegated to a sort of DOpus4-alike. I tried using it for a while, then went back to Ambient on its own. I don't run two file managers.

    (* DOpus installed a patch in workbench.library. While this still worked in MorphOS1.x, it seemed to break for me in later versions and cause bad instability.)

    [ Edited by KennyR 14.05.2019 - 01:04 ]
  • »13.05.19 - 23:56
  • jPV
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2115 from 2003/2/24
    From: po-RNO

    KennyR wrote:

    Andreas_Wolf wrote:
    > When I migrated to MorphOS, DOpus was the thing I missed most.

    Fortunately, it was always possible to use it with MorphOS.

    It works, but without the ability to show MorphOS PNG icons, and being more or less forced to run in its own screen, it might as well have not.

    No, you're not forced to run it on its own sceen, it works just fine on the Ambient screen too. Just set DOpus Display settings as "Workbench:Use" and it runs on the Ambient screen. Then you can do some small fine-tuning to integrate it better there. Disable the backdrop option to be able to resize the DOopus main window and reveal the Ambient underneath, then you can even hide the whole DOpus main window and use one of the two programs there is to open DOpus listers by clicking the Ambient desktop.

    I have configured my system to open Ambient listers by doubleclicking the left button on the Ambient desktop and to open DOpus listers by middle clicking the desktop. Then I can easily decide which lister I want to open whenever I want. DOpus acts practically the same way as it'd be run as WB replacement, but you get the best of both Ambient and DOpus at the same time. If you want to browse icons, use Ambient, but if you want to use the powerful functionality in DOpus and use its listers in name modes, feel free, it's there available all the time.

    I also use DOpus startmenus to launch programs, I don't use Ambient panels for that at all. Here you can see my DOpus startmenu in use at the lower left corner: jPV_MOS2_2008-08.png. And I have configured global hotkeys for the whole MorphOS usage from DOpus Hotkeys settings, it's much better than Ambient's own hotkeys which need Ambient being active when used. DOpus hotkeys do work everywhere on any screen. And DOpus scripts are nice and can work in the background even if you don't have any DOpus windows open... you can, for example, configure certain actions when a new disk (CD, USB, whatever) is inserted.. an icon appears on the Ambient desktop, but DOpus does the things you want then.

    So, it can be integrated very well with the Ambient, and I actually like it this way even better than being WB replacement alone, because now you can get the best from both programs in the same environment. I usually use listers in the name mode, and rarely need icons, so I can very well do the icons from Ambient if needed and non-working PNG icons isn't such an issue. I also have a button in DOpus listers to open the current directory in a new Ambient window in the icon mode, I don't need to browse twice anywhere if I want to swtich between DOpus and Ambient listers.

    The only thing you really lose in this solution compared to the full WB replacement is the custom placement and grouping of desktop icons, but I don't count that as too important feature myself.


    DOpus was integrated tightly with Workbench. It could close when workbench did. You could drag files from Workbench to DOpus and vice versa. You could drag files from DOpus to a shell window. You couldn't do any of these on MorphOS*, so it was relegated to a sort of DOpus4-alike. I tried using it for a while, then went back to Ambient on its own. I don't run two file managers.

    No, not true. As said above, DOpus can be integrated pretty tightly to Ambient/MorphOS too. When you run it on the Ambient screen you can copy files by dragging them from an Ambient window to DOpus lister (although not vice versa), I use this when I browse some archive or image files on Ambient that I haven't bothered to configure to DOpus. You can drag files from DOpus to a shell window under MorphOS too, no problem with that. You don't have to use it like DOpus4 at all, if you don't want.


    (* DOpus installed a patch in workbench.library. While this still worked in MorphOS1.x, it seemed to break for me in later versions and cause bad instability.)

    Hmm? I haven't been aware of anything like this. For me MorphOS 2.x was an improvement and made DOpus to work better compared to 1.x. Font requester hanged on MorphOS 1.x and "Mouse buttons over inactive banks" caused some issues, but they both are working fine since MorphOS 2.0 now. I haven't come up anything else regarding that, and I've been using DOpus daily under MorphOS for all these 15 years. Still do most of the work with DOpus listers rather than Ambient listers.
  • »14.05.19 - 09:35
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  • vox
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 616 from 2003/11/24
    From: Belgrade

    kas1e wrote:
    We release new stable verions (5.91) of dopus5 for os3/os4/aros(arm and i386) , but we still looking for capable morphos coder who want to spend 1-2 days of his life to fix 2-3 morphos-only bugs which are important and while they stay, we can't release morphos version together with all others. Anyone ?

    5.91 (and empty 5.92 folder) and no MOS port yet. Surely there is OS3 version that works
    iMac G5 1GB with MorphOS and MacOS X
    Lame PC with AmiKit XE, Linux, AROS and sadly Win11
    Telegram MOS group: https://t.me/+zCLnwCvwhs4wMTI0
    Steam https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198164221485/
  • »08.01.20 - 15:59
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12229 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > no MOS port yet

    See comment #72 for a MorphOS debug build of 5.92.
  • »08.01.20 - 18:08