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Posted By: Darth_X. on 2007/11/22 16:35:42
Recent videos showing MorphOS 2.0 on Efika in action. Also check the videos about Cube.
Posted By: zukow. on 2007/11/21 17:02:09
My new Reggae classes (iffdeep and iffilbm) are available to download from:
Posted By: zukow. on 2007/11/20 18:47:18
Gallerius 2.1 is now available for download.
This release fixes a few small bugs, and contain new color management feautures.
You can download program from here.
Posted By: walkero. on 2007/11/13 22:37:55
Amigahellas, the Greek Amiga community, was present at the greatest Greek technological exhibition D.T.E. 2007 (Digital Technology Expo), in charge of the "computer history" stand. With the valuable help from the organizing company, we managed to give the opportunity to both young and older visitors to meet and use computers from the past.
Posted By: Daff. on 2007/11/10 2:18:41
A report of the Alchimie 7 show is now available, in French, on the Obligement's website :

Alchimie 7 was an alternative computing show held in Tain L'Hermitage (France) organized by the Triple A association. Highlights was the presentation of the MorphOS 2.0 status (lots of things to see), AmigaOS 4 Classic version (with photo of the box and the floppy disk), Amikit, Haiku, OpenSound, Deneb, Blender, Samantha & ACube, robots, etc.
Posted By: AndreasM. on 2007/11/10 2:18:24
The Amiga Future 69 (November/December 2007) has been released today. This means that all subscriptions, preorders and dealer orders have been shipped.

Using the URL you can find a more detailed description of contents and some excerpts.

Besides many articles covering the Amiga you can find reviews like Sputnik, AmiUpdate and lots of more in this issue.

Posted By: on 2007/11/5 15:04:31
We're looking to expand the show, so if you have a MorphOS related story or comment, please send it to us at And now, on with the show!
Posted By: Daff. on 2007/11/2 15:29:07
The following articles have been added to the website of the French Amiga/MorphOS magazine Obligement ( during the last two months :

- Amiga and MorphOS news of september/october 2007.
- Interview with Wolfgang Hosemann et Niels Schapke (Insane Software).
- Review of IBrowse 2.4.
- Review of Lords Of The Realm.
- Review of Turbo Jam.
- Review of Arkanoid.
- Review of Battle Chess.
- Review of Obliterator.
- Review of Marble Madness.
- Review of Mouse Trap.
- Hardware : d'Amiga Developer Workstation.
- File : History Of The Amiga - year 2001.
- File : the emoticons (update).
- File : Anti Gravity's try to buy the Amiga in 1999/2000.
- Tutorial : retrieve a not available web page.
- Tutorial : speed up a hard drive.
- Tutorial : code a Lego Game in E language.
- Tutorial : installation and utilisation of SFS on AmigaOS 4.
- Tutorial : FxPaint - draw a starry sky.
- Quizz of september/october 2007.
- Special quizz about adventure games.

Rendez-vous on for this nice reading.
Posted By: walkero. on 2007/11/2 2:42:42
The Amigahellas will attend at DTE 2007 ( ), the largest exhibition of digital technology in Greece. From the 8th until 11th of November the visitors of the exhibition will have an opportunity to see and use old and new hardware ranging from the C64, A1000, Amstrad 6128 through to the Pegasos, MicroAmigaOne and the Efika.

The Amigahellas is the biggest Greek Amiga community, with many active users. Visit us at and download our free Amiga magazine from
Posted By: discreetfx. on 2007/11/2 2:42:13
Chicago, Illinois -- October 18th, 2007 -- Today DiscreetFX LLC, VisualFX software developer works to stimulate development on the Amiga Video Toaster 4000. We want to give every Amiga owner in the world a chance to taste the fun and excitement of the Amiga Video Toaster.

Back in 2004 everyone was shocked when DiscreetFX, with the help of NewTek, Bill Evans and Aaron "Aarexx" Ruscetta gave away the source code to the Amiga Video Toaster Flyer. DiscreetFX opened and released the source code to the world. This Asm & C code is a blueprint to how video editing software works on the Amiga operating system. Now it is time to stimulate the Amiga Toaster community again with a compelling contest and content development offers. When the Video Toaster was released on the Amiga it was NTSC only and the rest of the world, Europeans especially did not get to experience the power and fun of the Amiga Video Toaster. Well, the world has moved on and the NTSC/PAL format incompatibilities don't matter as much today. Most TV's sold in Europe do PAL or NTSC and many computer display cards from NVidia & ATI will display/capture either format without problems.

DiscreetFX enjoyed the awesome Amiga demos that came out of the demo scene in the 1990's and even last year an impressive Amiga demo won at Assembly ?06 (Starstruck). This is a true testament to the Amiga and the Amiga demoscene. But DiscreetFX wants more, we want to see a demo coded to run on the Amiga Video Toaster 4000. You have the source code.