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Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/11/6 20:10:28
We have just added four more MorphOS compatable demos to the download area, this time from the demo group known as Venus Art.

Downloads: Demo Area
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/11/6 15:24:09
On the heels of releasing MPlayer0.91, DET Nicolas has released his port of Mencoder 0.91 for MorphOS.

Mencoder: Powerful video encoder, with ripping capabilities. Download it HERE.
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/11/4 19:09:01
MPlayer for MorphOS has been updated to version 0.91 by DET Nicolas.

Download: Executable , Sources

From: DET Nicolas
To: MorphOS Users


Hi All !

It's  the  time  to  release  MPlayer  0.91  for  MorphOS !
I  hope  you  will  enjoy  it.  Look  in  the  readme  file  for  list  of  the  changes.

I  would  like  to  thank:
-  Andre  Siegel  for  very  good  looking  icons
-  Emanuel  Steen  for  the  documentation
-  Sigbjørn  Skjæret  for  many  improvements  and  bugs  fixed
-  Harry  Sintonen  for  many  improvements  and  bugs  fixed 
-  and  all  MorphOS  users  (including  devellopers  :-))

Have  fun !

DET  nicolas

Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/11/4 15:15:18
Preconfigured systems, or just a mainboard, if you're in Switzerland, check out
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/11/2 18:56:10
A FroggerNG review has been submitted by one of the winners of the free FroggerNG keyfile, Spidey. You can read the review HERE

Thanks to Spidey for writing the review, and to Sebastion the author of FroggerNG for donating the keyfiles!
Posted By: tokai. on 2003/11/1 23:31:31
A new version of AmiTradeCenter the fabulous FTPClient with ADT (Aminet Download Tool) by #amigazeux is finally available for download.

New is support for upload resume and use of 64bit math for displaying the batch and free diskspace check. Also some bugs are fixed.

In short: It's faster, smaller and better! AmiTradeCenter 1.4 released
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/11/1 16:56:27
For our Italian friends there is now Pegasos-Italia!

See the Italian team! Pic 1 Pic 2
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/10/31 6:33:42
NEW! MorphZone now features an optional newsletter.

The MorphZone Newsletter is available in both HTML and ASCII formats, is user configurable, and is the perfect way to get a news round-up from the MorphOS world! To sign up, simply sing up in the Newsletter block on the bottom right of MorphZone. Using the "Advanced Registration," you can customize your newsletter from the start.

Need more? Try guest articles by MorphOS insiders, letters from the community, and more. All of this in addition to the latest news, downloads, links, and polls.
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/10/30 16:17:18
We are looking for translation help for our upcoming software Papyrus Office.

If you interested in helping us just send me an email: We already have local-files for german, french and english

Thanks in advance
Michael Garlich
Posted By: Amizilla. on 2003/10/30 15:19:05
Over the last several months since I started the AmiZilla Project I have heard a growing whisper to allow the funds to also be available to the programmers of IBrowse, Voyager & AWeb.