"Invert Y-Axis" option for dogfights has been implemented in the meantime.
In Wings Battlefield there's no invert-y-axis option at all. Just map your controls "upside down" instead. Demo and full version share the same code and cannot differ here. However, at some point there existed versions with the text descriptions of up/down being mixed up

dark planes / objects: yup, was a driver bug, but as bigfoot already said above he has already fixed it

So if / when the game gets out you most likely already have the updated driver.
ground texture resolution: actually it's the original asset... However, as I said: it's just a demo, a teaser. You can expect the final game to be better

vanishing airplane, flying off screen: in-dev issue, forget about it. Of course that won't happen in the final version.
Strafing: those "circles" are the "official" bullets of the dogfight. In strafing there aren't any at all, you only see some sparks etc. where the bullets are hitting something. Actually I added those circles for me to more easily adjust the strafing angle etc., to visualize things.
All in all: in the final version those circles will be gone, so aiming will actually be harder than now :)
Yes, it's me.
Regarding source / "engine" release I have to link to that answer:
Not planned@redrumloa
It's limited to 300 units. Preorders are necessary to finance the further development, the work already put into it and the production and other outlays of Cinemaware.
Thanks for answering, mate

you're da man

@all who preordered:
Thanks a lot, guys

The minimum amount of 150 preorders has been reached by now which means: I'm working on the port again

However, 300 are the amount we really need to fully cover all costs, including my development costs. Since this here is a complete rewrite and no "simple" port like for example Tower57 will be, those sum up.
The 300-calculation was meant to cover about three months of full time work on this title (plus production costs plus some other Cinemaware outlays, and taxes of course).
As you may guess with 150 preorders things look different. I am not able to work full time on this title for now. Consequently it is unlikely that the Feb. 2016 release date can be achieved.
I'll do as much as I can, but I'll have to take care first that my warchest stays filled to a certain level.
Because forum work eats up my time too I decided to keep a small
development diary (not much there yet) instead of answering question X over there and talk about progress Y somewhere else.
That way you can always check out the current progress. I'll also answer (technical, gameplay related) questions there when I see some on any forum.
I'll also update the demo version from time to time, of course.