Games : : Wings! Remastered Demo Version & Pre-Order Page
Posted By: ASiegel. on 2015/11/6 10:40:12
imageA demo version of the remastered edition of Cinemaware's classic Wings! has been released. Please note that the demo version may currently contain bugs and lacks optimizations. You can download it from:

If you like the demo version, you can pre-order a limited-run copy of the game on this page:
  • MorphOS Developer
    Joined: 2003/2/24
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    From: Finland
    This looks very good.
  • »2015/11/6 14:46
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
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  • »2015/11/6 15:04
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Joined: 2004/4/15
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    Works great on G5.
    Only up/down in flight sequence is mixed (same problem as in Wings).
    I will place my preorder!
  • »2015/11/6 15:11
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
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    Any gfx issues? I'll download tonight..if it works, I'm ordering!! :-)
  • »2015/11/6 21:33
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
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    From: Port Hueneme, Ca.
    Been waiting for this one!
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  • »2015/11/6 22:07
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
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    Any gfx issues? I'll download tonight..if it works, I'm ordering!! :-)

    Yes, at least on one MorphOS setup there are two issues (bigfoot, please help! :-) )
    On Powerbooks with Radeon 9700 running MOS 3.9 the following happens:

    1. lighting is broken. Everything lit is way too dark, as if ambient lighting would be 0 or even negative (and maybe there are other lighting issues to, can't tell, only know it from a screen photo).

    2. the emulated fog's color is wrong. It should be RGBA 154,197,242,255 (light blue) but on this machine it ends up differently (again, only got a handy photo, asked the tester for a screenshot to provide concrete RGB values). The fog is emulated using glTexEnvfv(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR, ARGB) which results in correct behaviour on all other MorphOS systems I know of.
  • »2015/11/7 3:53
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  • jPV
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
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    From: po-RNO

    Only up/down in flight sequence is mixed (same problem as in Wings).

    There's an "Invert Y Axis" option, but it doesn't work in the first demo version, but should be working if/when it'll be updated.

    What do you mean with the same problem as in Wings? The original Amiga Wings? IIRC it had normal flight controls (inverted). Or do you mean Wings Battlefield? There you at least can assign the controls, but with this Wings Remastered it doesn't work because the same controls are applied in all sub games.
  • »2015/11/7 8:16
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
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    No, same problem in Wings Battlefield Demo.
    In full version everything is fine.
  • »2015/11/7 10:08
  • MorphOS Developer
    Joined: 2005/2/9
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    From: Poland
    I have dark plane on in 3rd perspective scenes on R9600 / G5

    btw. Could terrain texture in 1st perspective mission have better resolution?

    [ Edited by zukow On 2015/11/7 18:16 ]
  • »2015/11/7 15:28
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Joined: 2003/6/17
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    Works find on my G5 Radeon 9600Pro setup. Small "bug" I think though.

    When strafing, if you go too far back, your plane can never come back. Gets lost. When flying and you're on a bombing run, if you go too far to any side, it takes a while to "fly" back. It shouldnt let you fly off screen so far to where you're gone for such a long time.

    Also when strafing, you have to be exactly on target to hit it, bullets look kinda lame. "Circles" instead of something better. Should have spent more time on that detail.

    Audio is great, presentation is perfect, music is great also.
  • »2015/11/7 20:40
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
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    In 3rd person view some objects are too dark on Morphos with Radwon 9600:

    The author already knows about it.
    It might a be problem of the gfx drivers (lightning issue) )and gets hopefully fixed with next MorphOs release.

    It's really a great game. Please preorder it if like it.

    [ Edited by eliot On 2015/11/8 8:01 ]
  • »2015/11/8 6:37
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Joined: 2006/3/21
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    Is this your coding work, to port this game to MorphOS and AmigaOS4.1FE?

    I am unfamiliar with the name of the author(s) of this game, and don't know who did the port to MorphOS, AROS, and AmigaOS4.1FE.

    Unrelated to this game/off topic:

    Are you ever going to release, or sell the rendering routines you have developed which allow you to port Windows, MacOSX and Linux games and applications to AmigaOS4.1FE, & MorphOS, so other programmers can use them to create new software titles, or port more games & applications to MorphOS and AmigaOS4.1FE? If they were put into a simple game creation tool, I think that many programmers, and users who would want to attempt writing some simple games, would be willing to purchase such rendering routines and/or game creation software tool(s). I know I would be willing to pay for them.
    MorphOS - The best Next Gen Amiga choice.
  • »2015/11/8 11:14
  • Andreas_Wolf
    Joined: 2003/5/22
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    From: Germany
    > I am unfamiliar with the name of the author(s) of this game, and
    > don't know who did the port to MorphOS, AROS, and AmigaOS4.1FE.

    Daytona675x is Daniel Müßener.
  • »2015/11/8 12:25
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Joined: 2003/4/13
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    This is interesting. I tried the demo on my G5 and saw some weirdness, but it gave me an idea in a teaser kind of way.

    I'm not a big pre-order person. If this does get a commercial release for MorphOS, I'll probaby buy it.
  • »2015/11/11 0:49
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Joined: 2003/6/17
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    Just ordered.

    You guys need to remaster more software that way I can buy it for my MorphOS system. Any new games (or re-mastered stuff) just adds to our collection of software we can buy. Need new stuff for these systems.
  • »2015/11/13 12:50
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
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    From: Hungary


    Is this your coding work, to port this game to MorphOS and AmigaOS4.1FE?

    I am unfamiliar with the name of the author(s) of this game, and don't know who did the port to MorphOS, AROS, and AmigaOS4.1FE.

    Unrelated to this game/off topic:

    Are you ever going to release, or sell the rendering routines you have developed which allow you to port Windows, MacOSX and Linux games and applications to AmigaOS4.1FE, & MorphOS, so other programmers can use them to create new software titles, or port more games & applications to MorphOS and AmigaOS4.1FE? If they were put into a simple game creation tool, I think that many programmers, and users who would want to attempt writing some simple games, would be willing to purchase such rendering routines and/or game creation software tool(s). I know I would be willing to pay for them.

    Just to clarify this, his rendering routines wouldn't allow anyone to port Windows/OSX/Linux games to OS4, MOS or AROS. He is not porting the existing Wings Remastered title, but creating the Amiga NG version from scratch using his own engine, like they did in the old days.
    There are a few existing cross platform game engines for MorphOS, both 2D and 3D, but they didn't increase the number of original games. LÖVE for example is super easy to program unless you are doing proper physics, and I'm yet to see an original title developed with it :)
    Still, I wouldn't mind if his engine was available for licensing, mainly because it supports Warp3D and Compositing for OS4, where OpenGL is super-slow.
  • »2015/11/14 16:57
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Joined: 2006/3/21
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    Thanks for the clarification. I'm still interested in purchasing a license to use his routines, or even better, a game/application creation tool which uses his rendering routines and makes creation of new MorphOS software easier and better.

    P.S. Just pre-ordered this game.

    [ Edited by amigadave On 2015/11/15 7:11 ]
    MorphOS - The best Next Gen Amiga choice.
  • »2015/11/15 14:10
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Joined: 2003/6/17
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    If anyone is "on the fence" about buying this..shit its only $54. I only had 1 complaint which I posted, but other than looks damn good. Hopefully this will start a trend of more games being remastered for our MorphOS systems.
  • »2015/11/17 23:34
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
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    As long as they keep hiring Daytona to do the ports it will happen :-)
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  • »2015/11/18 8:24
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
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    I ordered, it is not every day a big box release for our machine comes out.
    Proud member of the Belgian Amiga Club since 2003

  • »2015/11/19 20:17
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  • Just looking around
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    Thanks for your support guys. It´s really important to reach the complete goal of 300 sold copies. Right now we are next to 150 which is a really good number.

    One important thing. This is a real community project. Daniel worked for free till now and continues with developing if we reach 150 sales (right now we are around 130) but can only be completed paid if we sell all 300 copies. We, Cinemaware, will not earn anything on this game. If all 300 Boxes are sold, he can also fully concentrate on the Port, so the release of Feb. 2016 is really safe. Sales goes complete to Daniel for the port and the production of the box. So its really important that we get sold out If this project and also the "Defender"-Project are successfull, then other ports to Amiga-Systems are realistic.

    Sven from Cinemaware
  • »2015/11/20 14:02
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
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    What is the Defender project?
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  • »2015/11/20 14:21
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  • Just looking around
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    Its our other Retro Project. A complete and limited BigBox-Edition

    The Edition runs on PC, Mac, Amiga CD32, CDTV and also classic Amiga with CDRom.

    - CD1: Defender of the Crown - CDTV-Version
    - CD2: Defender of the Crown 2 - CD32-Version
    - CD3: All other Versions

    Which Games are featured:

    DotC – classic Amiga Version with New Intro – Running on Amiga CD32, Amiga with CD-Rom and PC and Mac (build in Emulator).

    DotC – classic Amiga Version – Running on Amiga CD32, Amiga with CD-Rom and PC and Mac (build in Emulator). Also .adf to create your own discs.

    DotC 2 – (CDTV/CD32) – Running on Amiga CD32, Amiga with CD-Rom and PC and Mac (build in Emulator).

    DotC – C64 – Rom for your own Emulator and Diskfiles to create Disks.

    DotC – NES, Apple IIgs, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, CD-i – Rom, MS-Dos for your own Emulator or .iso to burn.
  • »2015/11/20 14:38
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
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    I wouldn't mind a remake of Defender of the Crown :-) One with real cinematics and various ways to win.
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  • »2015/11/20 17:48
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Joined: 2003/4/11
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    Any gfx issues? I'll download tonight..if it works, I'm ordering!! :-)

    Yes, at least on one MorphOS setup there are two issues (bigfoot, please help! :-) )

    But of course!


    On Powerbooks with Radeon 9700 running MOS 3.9 the following happens:

    1. lighting is broken. Everything lit is way too dark, as if ambient lighting would be 0 or even negative (and maybe there are other lighting issues to, can't tell, only know it from a screen photo).

    Fixed! :)


    2. the emulated fog's color is wrong. It should be RGBA 154,197,242,255 (light blue) but on this machine it ends up differently (again, only got a handy photo, asked the tester for a screenshot to provide concrete RGB values). The fog is emulated using glTexEnvfv(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR, ARGB) which results in correct behaviour on all other MorphOS systems I know of.

    Fixed! :)
    I rarely log in to MorphZone which means that I often miss private messages sent on here. If you wish to contact me, please email me at [username], where [username] is my username here on MorphZone.
  • »2015/11/20 19:11
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  • Just looking around
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    Sure we got the rights. The only license we don´t have anymore is "The Three Stooges" because this was our only licensed game.
  • »2015/11/20 21:52
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
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    @Andreas_Wolf & cinemaware

    What do you know :-) If any of these could be ported to MorphOS I would be very happy :-D
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  • »2015/11/21 11:50
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  • Andreas_Wolf
    Joined: 2003/5/22
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    From: Germany
    > If any of these could be ported to MorphOS I would be very happy :-D

    IIRC, the 2001 game has been written in Director and the 2007 one in Flash, so these would have to be sophisticatedly reimplemented (similar to Wings Remastered which uses the Unity Engine on non-Amiga platforms). I don't know about the 2003 one, though. If current Cinemaware has the rights to those games as they say, they can tell more about the technical facts I'm sure.
  • »2015/11/21 12:29
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Joined: 2003/6/17
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    If DoC was remastered for MorphOS, I would be all over it!
  • »2015/11/21 14:50
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
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    "Invert Y-Axis" option for dogfights has been implemented in the meantime.

    In Wings Battlefield there's no invert-y-axis option at all. Just map your controls "upside down" instead. Demo and full version share the same code and cannot differ here. However, at some point there existed versions with the text descriptions of up/down being mixed up :-P

    dark planes / objects: yup, was a driver bug, but as bigfoot already said above he has already fixed it :-) So if / when the game gets out you most likely already have the updated driver.

    ground texture resolution: actually it's the original asset... However, as I said: it's just a demo, a teaser. You can expect the final game to be better :-)

    vanishing airplane, flying off screen: in-dev issue, forget about it. Of course that won't happen in the final version.
    Strafing: those "circles" are the "official" bullets of the dogfight. In strafing there aren't any at all, you only see some sparks etc. where the bullets are hitting something. Actually I added those circles for me to more easily adjust the strafing angle etc., to visualize things.
    All in all: in the final version those circles will be gone, so aiming will actually be harder than now :)

    Yes, it's me.
    Regarding source / "engine" release I have to link to that answer:
    Not planned

    It's limited to 300 units. Preorders are necessary to finance the further development, the work already put into it and the production and other outlays of Cinemaware.

    Thanks for answering, mate :-)

    you're da man :-)

    @all who preordered:
    Thanks a lot, guys :-)

    The minimum amount of 150 preorders has been reached by now which means: I'm working on the port again :-)

    However, 300 are the amount we really need to fully cover all costs, including my development costs. Since this here is a complete rewrite and no "simple" port like for example Tower57 will be, those sum up.
    The 300-calculation was meant to cover about three months of full time work on this title (plus production costs plus some other Cinemaware outlays, and taxes of course).
    As you may guess with 150 preorders things look different. I am not able to work full time on this title for now. Consequently it is unlikely that the Feb. 2016 release date can be achieved.
    I'll do as much as I can, but I'll have to take care first that my warchest stays filled to a certain level.

    Because forum work eats up my time too I decided to keep a small development diary (not much there yet) instead of answering question X over there and talk about progress Y somewhere else.
    That way you can always check out the current progress. I'll also answer (technical, gameplay related) questions there when I see some on any forum.

    I'll also update the demo version from time to time, of course.

  • »2015/12/7 17:28
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
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    To those who don't follow the development diary too often:
    it's model-conversion and -optimization time :-P
    I just put some new screenshots online, more to come for each new model. First I'm going to finish up the conversion tool though. Today I'll add an automatic optimize-model-for-iso-view command :-)

    [ Editiert durch Daytona675x Ein 2016/2/5 6:44 ]
  • »2016/2/3 8:41
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