Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
Joined: 2004/4/15
Posts: 628
here are my first results:
1. Epson Perfection 1650 USB is working well with MorphOS 2.6
on Pegasos 2 using your Morphos Epson USB driver.
2. Scanning should be done in it's own thread
to avoid blocking gui.
3. No Preview function?
4. Saving as jpeg: selected quality, set basename to "test"
and clicked save and a file requester opened asking for the path
but selected basename has no effect?!
5. Clicked to fx and than preview caused mui application freezing:
There were no fx installed (nothing was shown).
6. Entered another device in preferences->device and selected cancel,
even so wrong setup was saved.
7. Clicking connect also freezes gui until finished (should be done in own thread).
[ Edited by eliot On 2010/11/30 19:53 ]