Suggestions for FlowStudio
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1035 from 2004/9/23
    One of the main features of FlowStudio is not to have a mess of a UI.

    If it would be there by default you would need to activate the text input fields it by hand, while using the hotkey they are opening active. This also works when they are already open.

    Not sure if my setup is accurate, but pressing LCOMMAND+F or LCOMMAND+G and continue typing is far more handy than leaving the keyboard clicking using the mouse. Again, this also works when the UI elements are already there.

    The goal here is the keyboard only approach, which more or less works fine in FlowStudio.

    What do you want to gain with having those bottom ui element open on start, anyway? Those elements just eat screen space and when developing screen space is the most important. I often close them while developing to regain screen space.
  • »02.08.23 - 10:08
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2081 from 2003/4/10
    From: France

    i have a small problem with FlowStudio and Hollywood.

    In this example of script:

    Function ...
    Local Function ...

    FlowStudio don't reconize "Local Function" and don't realize the link to his attributed Endfunction and i have a problem to compile.

    It will be possible to fix that please?
  • »02.08.23 - 13:24
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2081 from 2003/4/10
    From: France

    others suggestions for FlowStudio:

    Have vertical line like this software, very usefull.

    Have save mode in UTF8 format by default.

    If it possible, it will be fine :-)
  • »20.10.23 - 08:21
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 518 from 2003/2/25
    From: France

    Papiosaur wrote:
    Have vertical line like this software, very usefull.

    Already possible. Check settings. 'Activer les guides de retrait' (french) option in Editor.


    Papiosaur wrote:
    Have save mode in UTF8 format by default.

    Edit mode is in UTF8 by default here.
    Quelque soit le chemin que tu prendras dans la vie, sache que tu auras des ampoules aux pieds.
    I need to practice my Kung Fu.
  • »20.10.23 - 09:52
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2081 from 2003/4/10
    From: France

    Already possible. Check settings. 'Activer les guides de retrait' (french) option in Editor.

    Excellent! Thanks for the info!


    Edit mode is in UTF8 by default here.

    In MorphOS 3.19? Because in MorphOS 3.18, UTF8 is not by default for "save mode".
  • »20.10.23 - 10:27
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 3031 from 2003/3/5
    From: Canada
    The UTF-8/non-UTF save mode is user-configurable in the file requester. Encodings are complicated, it's not really possible for an app to guess what you want.
  • »20.10.23 - 16:41
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2081 from 2003/4/10
    From: France

    jacadcaps a écrit :
    The UTF-8/non-UTF save mode is user-configurable in the file requester. Encodings are complicated, it's not really possible for an app to guess what you want.

    Yes, just i have reinstalled MorphOS 3.18 and loaded a Hollywood script in UTF8 and saved in default mode and i must rewrite all "special" caracters like éàèô, etc. , it's just my fault :-D

    Maybe UTF8 is more "universal" format, so i ask :-D
  • »20.10.23 - 17:52
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  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 40 from 2003/8/1
    From: Krakow - Poland
    Is author of Flow Studio plan to implement project folder/subfolders tree view (like most todays editors)? Instead of "Source Files / Header Files / Resource Files" tree view?
    Rafael/ARMO     GitHub
  • »09.01.24 - 09:54
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 157 from 2003/3/17
    FlowStudio has been more or less dormant for a few years already and I don't have any plans to resume work for the time being (but who knows, one day maybe I regain some motivation). As to your question, there are many things that could be improved or be implemented differently as regards projects but the current implementation at least fitted my own way of working. Note that it is already now possible to have multiple "Projects" in a single "Work Space". These projects will all show up in the tree view. The distinction between sources, headers and resources is one step down in the hierarchy.

    As far as I remember, there is also a way to link those projects in a single build but this might be an area where further work would be needed to fit all needs.
  • »11.01.24 - 21:26
  • MDW
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 460 from 2003/7/26
    From: Wroclaw/Poland

    Nadir wrote:
    FlowStudio has been more or less dormant for a few years already and I don't have any plans to resume work for the time being (but who knows, one day maybe I regain some motivation).

    Now is January but I know - for me this is the saddest news of the 2024. :(
    I very very like Flow Studio, use almost everyday. I was really waiting for next versions of the best dev-environment in Amiga/MorphOS world.

    I hoped that you will add full support for project which has sources in several folders. My projects have sources in separated folders (platform-specific code, engine code, main application). I can't put everything to one folder because it would broken my philosophy, compatibility with my past and future projects and flow of creation.

    FlowStudio with MOS SDK, Git (and GitDesktop), new GCC, Python, ImageMagick, some AmigaDOS-scripts allowed to me create environment which is the best I have ever had on Amiga platforms.

    Thank you for your great work so far. I hope you will consider back to FlowStudio development. From my point of view this is one the most important applications for MorphOS.
  • »12.01.24 - 19:36
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 518 from 2003/2/25
    From: France
    Hi Nadir! :)

    Cool to see you wandering around!

    Quelque soit le chemin que tu prendras dans la vie, sache que tu auras des ampoules aux pieds.
    I need to practice my Kung Fu.
  • »12.01.24 - 20:34
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 157 from 2003/3/17

    MDW wrote:
    Thank you for your great work so far. I hope you will consider back to FlowStudio development. From my point of view this is one the most important applications for MorphOS.

    Thank you so much for the kind words! I really appreciate hearing that someone likes the application, given all the work I put in it. As I mentioned, it's not ruled out that I get back to it one day but for the time being, my focus is elsewhere (family with three small children).

    As to your specific need of more complex projects, it should in theory already be implemented. You should just set up one project in each directory you want to build. These projects will all show up in your Work Space list tree and have separate project settings. In your Work Space settings you click the projects that you want to include in your build. When building, you perform a Work Space build instead of a Project build (which is of course limited to a single project).

    Now, this is all a bit theoretical because it is one of the areas that was still being developed and improved when I stopped so I'm a bit unsure how well it works in practice. Do let me know!

  • »12.01.24 - 21:14
  • MDW
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 460 from 2003/7/26
    From: Wroclaw/Poland

    Nadir wrote:
    As to your specific need of more complex projects, it should in theory already be implemented. You should just set up one project in each directory you want to build. These projects will all show up in your Work Space list tree and have separate project settings. In your Work Space settings you click the projects that you want to include in your build. When building, you perform a Work Space build instead of a Project build (which is of course limited to a single project).

    Great! Thank you for very interesting tip. I will try this.
    Aggghrrr... Now I noticed that in post above my post you have already described the solution.
  • »12.01.24 - 22:20
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 156 from 2009/12/10
    From: Minnesota, USA

    Thank you so much for the kind words! I really appreciate hearing that someone likes the application, given all the work I put in it. As I mentioned, it's not ruled out that I get back to it one day but for the time being, my focus is elsewhere (family with three small children).

    If you presently aren't planning on developing FlowStudio at present, would it be appropriate to consider a plug-in interface here as a starting point for when you get around to it? I know AmigaOS 3.2+ has a syntax highlighter plugin and if they were compatible, that would be quite handy.

    Otherwise, I'd imagine a source release of the MUI wrapper for Scintilla would be the starting point of FlowStudio's successor.

    I develop in AmigaE and Hollywood on MorphOS as my preferred platform because of FlowStudio. It would be a shame to have to start over. (Mainly because I'd have to write it in EEC because C syntax is terrible!)
  • »15.02.24 - 06:38