Step by step guide for installing WB3.1 on MorphOS.
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 72 from 2013/7/25
    I have MorphOS 3.5 as well as the Chrysalis ultimate pack installed, I have all six WB 3.1 disks as well as KS 3.1 and I was wondering if any MorphOS users out there would like to share their wisdom on getting a working WB 3.1 installed under MorphOS.

    I have tried installing by right clicking install31.adf and 'run in e-uae a1200' which fires up the installer and asks for the workbench disk, however upon installing the WB 3.1 disk the installer gets to 12% and just hangs.

    When I check Sys:Emulation/E-UAE/HardDisks/Workbench I can see that files have been written there but I'm a little confused as to why the installer just hangs.

    I admit, I'm really new at this, but keen to learn.

    Anyone got some tips that aren't translated on Google translate (good guides, just really difficult to follow when you have no idea what you're doing).

    Thanks for your time all.
  • »07.06.14 - 22:52
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 265 from 2006/8/31
    We didn't need WB 3.1 at all. Why do you wish to install this old thing ?
    Spreedy - The spreedsheet editor of MorphOS
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  • »08.06.14 - 07:22
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2294 from 2003/4/10
    From: France
    Hi MadCrow,

    Try to install Workbench 3.1 from Ambient

    Mount your Workbench ADF disk via a mouse right click to launch Installer script from Install31.adf and install Workbench to sys:Emulation/E-UAE/Harddisks/Workbench

    maybe it's a problem of "Installer" version, try to copy "Installer" from "c" drawer of Workbench.adf to sys:c/ (partition system of MorphOS). Delete it after the installation because make trouble with MorphOS installer (mossys:c/Installer).

    I will do a tutorial to facility this installation for the next pack.

    Thanks for your returns.

    /papio has realized a "manual" installation of Workbench but it's not the best solution...
  • »08.06.14 - 07:40
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 72 from 2013/7/25
    The only reason I want to install WB3.1 is to run WHDLoad so I don't have to keep swaping disks to play my old Amiga games, anyone know of a more suitable and strightforward alternative?
  • »08.06.14 - 08:09
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 182 from 2009/9/20
    Try a different e-uae executable.
  • »08.06.14 - 12:38
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 72 from 2013/7/25

    Tom01 wrote:
    Try a different e-uae executable.

    What different executables are there? Any examples?

    Sorry, pretty new to MorphOS, I've worked out heaps already but just trying to get my system running nicely,
  • »08.06.14 - 19:08
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 72 from 2013/7/25
    No one has a solution?
  • »09.06.14 - 20:43
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 99 from 2005/9/1
    From: Zagreb/Croatia
    I think that your problem is uae version.
    With e-uae.sdl version you will see requester asking for next disk. (CTRL+ALT+F1)
    Non sdl version can't open requster on custom screen so you must press escape key to close hidden requester and get back in emulator.
    After installation you can swap e-uae for non sdl one or change your startup uae script.

    [ Edited by Condor 09.06.2014 - 20:31 ]
  • »09.06.14 - 21:30
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 52 from 2003/4/3
    From: Bretagne Lorient

    Or, perhaps, Elena has the solution???
    At least it was working with MorphOS 1.4... Perhaps needs a try? Eventualy with a double boot?
    It's here:

  • »09.06.14 - 22:20
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 768 from 2011/11/30
    Can somebody share his working 3.1 (english) environment with only WHDLoad installed on it? Just pls .lha the folders (should be located at sys:Emulation/E-UAE/Harddisks/Workbench) and upload on a dropbox or similar service. I have the same problem with madCrow and I need it for the same reason (whdload launching games)! Hope someone may help us here..
    Amiga gaming Tribute: Watch, rate, comment :)
  • »10.06.14 - 11:40
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 72 from 2013/7/25
    If someone could upload the folders that would be awesome.

    I can manually change disks, that's not an issue - The issue is that I dont want to manually change disks....

    Otherwise, if the files cannot be manually uploaded can someone please tell me just how they installed workbench 3.1 without the installer hanging at 12%?

    I can do it on FS-UAE under Linux so surely it can be done.

    [ Edited by madCrow 11.06.2014 - 13:47 ]
  • »11.06.14 - 05:44
  • k8o
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 57 from 2013/5/29
    From: London / UK
    I set up my Workbench environment in WinUAE first, setup WHDLoad etc and anything else you want in WB... then i just transfered this directory over to morphos using a usb stick. All you then need to do is setup the config file for E-UAE correctly and you're good to go.
  • »11.06.14 - 06:43
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 72 from 2013/7/25
    Sounds fairly straightforward k8o, Now I have to install WinUAE on my Windows machine again!

    Due to the fact that I have a .uaerc_ file in My Morphos/System:/Emulation/E-UAE and I also have configuration files in My Morphos/System:/Emulation/E-UAE/Conf, can I ask what configuration file(s) you changed as well as the changes you made to the configuration?
  • »11.06.14 - 07:45
  • k8o
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 57 from 2013/5/29
    From: London / UK
    You need to set the correct path to your Workbench folder, you need to set a screen resolution, also the amount of chipram and fastram... Read the docs or just look at an existing example, you should be able to see what you need to configure quite easily. I experimented with a few settings and made configs for A1200 and A500, but if you're just wanting to use WHDLoad you should configure it for an A1200 setup.
  • »11.06.14 - 07:58
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 820 from 2008/3/30
    From: Roma, Italy
    Quick & dirty guide to Amiga OS 3.1 installation under E-UAE:

    The main problem to solve is to have a .hdf file so to install the 3.1. It's not possible to create one with MorphOS (if someone knows how he is welcome!) so you have to use WINUae.
    Well, I don't have WinUae and I didn't want to download, install etc so I looked for a hdf file ready to be used. I found two of them here:

    There are two hdf files: one of 160 mb and one of 80 mb. They are big enough to your purpose.
    I downloaded the 160mb hdf file and unzipped, choose the one you prefer. Then put the blank160.hdf file inside HardFiles directory in E-UAE and you can rename it as you like (System, Workbench3.1, etc).
    Inside E-UAE you will find a directory named "Conf" with different configurations for several Amigas. I used th A1200-hires.conf. Select the file, right mouse button and click "Open with...". Select "MOSSYS:C/Ed" and modify the file adding this line on the top:

    hardfile=read-write,32,1,2,512,YOUR FOLDER WITH E-UAE/HardFiles/blank160.hdf

    Obviously, if you have renamed blank160.hdf use the name you chose before. Pay attention to where you have placed kickstarts and be sure you wrote the correct path.
    I suggest to activate Amiga leds due to keep an eye to floppy operations. This is the option:


    You can delete or modify ( show_leds=false) after you finished the installation.
    It's even possible to activate up to four floppy disks but... well, two are enough... =)

    Save the modified file inside E-UAE directory as ".uaerc". Backup the old uaerc file if you have one. Just to be sure....

    Now run E-UAE (don't use the JIT version: WHD games could be not stable and requesters aren't visible as Condor wrote) and when start screen appear (the Amiga checkmark and floppy animation) press CTRL+ALT+F1 and select the 3.1 install disk (putting all the six adf images in the same dir is really comfortable) and wait the floppy stops to load. You won't see any hard disk but don't worry: press CTRL+ALT+R to reset your Amiga and after the load you will see the hard disk.
    It's time to install 3.1: follow the installer and insert the disks it needs using the second floppy drive which can be activated with CTRL+ALT+F2. When the installation has been completed a requester will ask to reboot. This is not really necessary since E-UAE will restart loading the floppies and not starting from hard disk. So you can exit from E-UAE with CTRL+ALT+Q and restart again. Now you are inside Workbench 3.1 and ready to use WHDLoad.
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  • »11.06.14 - 11:00
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 768 from 2011/11/30
    Is it more preferable to install 3.1+WHDload on a folder or on a hardfile (hdf)? Which one is faster on loading?

    Also, the slaves will work just by double clicking them on Ambient or will it require any extra configuration?
    Amiga gaming Tribute: Watch, rate, comment :)
  • »11.06.14 - 12:23
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 820 from 2008/3/30
    From: Roma, Italy
    Hardfile is faster. But you can use both. For example, I used "filesystem=rw, Games: Giochi" (Games is the path and Giochi is the name of directory) to have my games directory and this is useful if you want to copy any file from a folder to hdf once you have launched Workbench 3.1: you going to have a folder readable and writeable inside Ambient (and you can add games, files and so on there) and readable inside E-UAE being able to copy file inside hdf in an easy way.
    The slaves won't work from Ambient (always welcome if anyone knows it's possible) directly but you can use a very good MUI interface called iGame:
    which work with UAELoad:
    Inside UAELoad there is a Bonus directory in which you can find a startup sequence for AmigaOS3.9 that allows to run whdload game without load all the Workbench but only the necessary files. I guess it is useable with 3.1 too but I will check lately.

    [ Edited by Jambalah 11.06.2014 - 12:23 ]
    Pegasos II 1 ghz
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  • »11.06.14 - 13:21
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 820 from 2008/3/30
    From: Roma, Italy
    I tried to launch a slave from Ambient and a message warning that a parameter was missing appeared. I will test more. Noticed that using iGame to launch WHD games has no effect using the hardfile. This problem doesn't occour when I use the folder configuration. So, if you want to run a WHD games automatically from Ambient using iGame you cannot use the hardfile. If you run E-UAE and load WB 3.1 the WHD games work flawless. Going to read old post here and on the web to learn more.
    Pegasos II 1 ghz
    Powermac G4 Quicksilver with Sonnet Encore 1.8 ghz
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  • »11.06.14 - 19:35
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 72 from 2013/7/25
    Newbie question of the day:

    I have done everything as described, however everytime I attempt to start UAE I get the error "failed to load kick.rom", in the console window I see the error "Opening cfgfile '.uaerc'...failed" - Except my modified .uaerc is configured and present in sys:emulation/e-uae....

    I think that quite possibly I'm starting e-uae incorrectly, what is the correct way to start e-uae?
  • »11.06.14 - 20:45
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 820 from 2008/3/30
    From: Roma, Italy
    "Failed to load kick.rom" error occours when e-uae doesn't find the kickstart which could be named "kick.rom": check again the path which point in the kickstart directory (after "kickstart_rom_file=") and the correct name of the kickstart itself. Then try again launching e-uae. The correct way is left mouse double clicking on e-uae (or cli launching) assuming uaerc file is correct.
    Pegasos II 1 ghz
    Powermac G4 Quicksilver with Sonnet Encore 1.8 ghz
    Powermac G4 MDD single 1.25 ghz, silenced for ears health...
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  • »11.06.14 - 21:39
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 72 from 2013/7/25

    Jambalah wrote:
    "Failed to load kick.rom" error occours when e-uae doesn't find the kickstart which could be named "kick.rom": check again the path which point in the kickstart directory (after "kickstart_rom_file=") and the correct name of the kickstart itself. Then try again launching e-uae. The correct way is left mouse double clicking on e-uae (or cli launching) assuming uaerc file is correct.

    I've already checked my paths in the .uaerc configuration file as well as the location of the configuration file itself, and for all intents and purposes everything seems correct, see screenshots:

    - Location of .uaerc:


    - .uaerc configuration:


    - Location of kick.rom (KS3.1):


    - Error:

  • »12.06.14 - 05:44
  • jPV
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2118 from 2003/2/24
    From: po-RNO

    madCrow wrote:
    I've already checked my paths in the .uaerc configuration file as well as the location of the configuration file itself, and for all intents and purposes everything seems correct, see screenshots:

    - Location of .uaerc:

    Your .uaerc file is named as .uaerc_ in your pics. Try to rename it correctly without the trailing _.

    And if it still complains about kickstart rom file, try different rom files. At least I had several rom files which E-UAE didn't accept until I found working one.
  • »12.06.14 - 06:16
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 72 from 2013/7/25

    jPV wrote:

    madCrow wrote:
    I've already checked my paths in the .uaerc configuration file as well as the location of the configuration file itself, and for all intents and purposes everything seems correct, see screenshots:

    - Location of .uaerc:

    Your .uaerc file is named as .uaerc_ in your pics. Try to rename it correctly without the trailing _.

    And if it still complains about kickstart rom file, try different rom files. At least I had several rom files which E-UAE didn't accept until I found working one.

    OK jPV,

    I renamed the file and managed to boot to an AmigaDOS screen (Not a Workbench screen). When I press CTRL + ALT + F1 to insert 3.1 install and go back to the Amiga DOS screen nothing happens and I cannot load the disk in DF0:

    Any ideas?

    Thank you very much for your patience and assistance.
  • »12.06.14 - 06:42
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 820 from 2008/3/30
    From: Roma, Italy
    You have two configuration statements that point e-uae to "Workbench" and "Data". Comment them (using #) and start e-uae again. You should have Amiga purple start screen (checkmark & floppy animation). Be sure your kick.tom is a valid 3.1 rom. It seems you are emulating an Amiga 1200 and you are trying to install Workbench 3.1 so you need the right rom.

    I commented my hardfile letting "filesystem=rw,Games:Giochi" active and I have the same result of you: an Amiga DOS screen. This because inside my virtual hard disk there's no operating system to load and maybe is the same in your Workbench partition: no system to load or incomplete installation.

    [ Edited by Jambalah 12.06.2014 - 06:03 ]
    Pegasos II 1 ghz
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  • »12.06.14 - 06:59
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 72 from 2013/7/25
    I commented both those lines and still get the AmigaDOS screen, just tried another KS3.1 rom and no difference?
  • »12.06.14 - 07:05