Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 2120 from 2003/2/24
From: po-RNO
What a surprise Aminet has to offer, a new revised version of the old NetFS/netmount (from AmiTCP)! This is what I've been wanting for all the years :)
NetFS is a network filesystem for Amigas, and now natively for MorphOS too. It can mount any device on a remote Amiga compatible machine and it preserves all the protection bits and other Amiga specific file attributes (you'll lose them with Samba, FTP, etc).
The new version has lot of new features and MorphOS support. It removes mounts if the remote machine is turned off or rebooted, and brings the mounts back up automatically if it's turned on again. It has now password protection and much better way to select which devices can be mounted etc.
Get it from here: http://aminet.net/package/comm/net/NetFS-revised
I had a quick test and everything seems to work, it's fast enough and I can for example stream music and videos (simultaneously, heh) from the remote machines.
I configured my remote mounts with certain names (beginning with net#?) and added that pattern to the Eject sbar module, and now I can totally unmount the wanted mounts by mouse from the eject button. I also created deficons for my mounted machines to have a networking icon to differentiate them from the local drives etc :)
Here's a screenshot showing the features: http://jpv.wmhost.com/pics/netfs-revised.png