MorphOS Distribution
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 253 from 2003/4/7
    As you might have noticed, for now MorphOS is "just" an OS which lacks some functionality in it's fresh installed way. Have a look at Linux, there are several Distibutions available that offer software that can easily be used.
    You might say that there is the Superbundle, okay but I would like to see a CD/archive that is easy to install and contains tons of usefull software.
    This is not just a rant, I am willing to create such package. Just give me help and let me know what software is basically needed, especially for newbies.
  • »30.04.04 - 16:46
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 101 from 2004/4/17
    A word processor (at least a simply one, like Wordpad for Windows), a Text Editor (like Notepad), and a Cd Burner, possibly whit GUI.

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  • »30.04.04 - 17:35
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 653 from 2003/2/24
    From: Hungary
    Most of the software will have copyright problems. TCP-IP may be easy, but arexx, mplayer or frogger, etc. may prove to be difficult.
  • »30.04.04 - 17:44
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 142 from 2004/3/21
    From: Germany
    It is difficult to make a real distribution, but not impossible. Even H*perion managed to do so.

    But if not from the official channels, why not an "useful Morphos add-on-CD" with all that needful things that makes a computer useful? I think for somebody without Amiga-experience Morphos in it's current "distribution" is nearly useless.
  • »30.04.04 - 18:02
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 253 from 2003/4/7
    @warface: what would make distributing mplayer.lha with an cd difficult?

    If I would charge money, this would only be for the Installerscript ( done with Hollywood ) and burning a CD.

    No legal issues would make trouble when releasing GPL-Stuff on a CD.
  • »30.04.04 - 18:47
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 296 from 2003/9/1
    From: Malmo, Sweden
    You can put any GPL software on a CD. You are not allowed to make profit off of it without the author's permission, you can only charge money to cover distribution and manufacturing of the CDs. If it's on the MorphOS CD you can always charge whatever you want for it and claim it's the price of MorphOS.

    The problem with distributing MPlayer is that it contains codecs that have been illegally reverse engineered, like SVQ3. I don't think Sorenson will make anything of it though.
  • »30.04.04 - 20:08
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 979 from 2003/6/28
    Interesant, and more if is upgradeable, pay for a upgrade system where you can download from a repository... ;)
  • »01.05.04 - 02:39
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 169 from 2003/12/31
    "usefull MorphOS Add-on-CD"... I tought this was called the
    Superbundle :)
    I was quite surprised to see such a CD anyways, because as Amiga fan
    I'm used to search and collect my Software stuff worldwide :)
  • »01.05.04 - 08:57
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 253 from 2003/4/7
    correct, but in its initial state MOS does not have a TCP/IP-Stack, so you are bound to CDs or old Amiga-Systems.
    But for those without an old Amiga it would be hard to start with MOS.
    So here is the idea of the upcoming CD, and as there is a lot of space on a CD, I can put some things on it, the enduser does not need to download himself.
  • »01.05.04 - 09:46
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 142 from 2004/3/21
    From: Germany
    Well, the Superbundle ist something like in earlier times the "Magic Bundle" or the "Surfer Bundle". There is some nice stuff in it, but the Superbundle has two big mistakes: It is de facto not accessable, since many month now, and it lacks of many things you need to do anything useful with the computer, number one is a tcp-stack to get any other software, followed by a long list of necessary programs like an e-mail-client, multimedia-players, a working installer for software, word-processing. Of course we can accept that the OS itself still misses a lot of important things, but with a collection of currently available programs and tools this lack would not be so obvious...;-)
  • »01.05.04 - 16:03
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 169 from 2003/12/31
    MorphOS1.4.2 is still quite beta and I think at least the TCP/IP issue
    will be addressed in 1.5...
  • »01.05.04 - 16:19
  • pOS
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 216 from 2003/11/14
    From: Bavaria
    BTW, what is the legal state of the Pegasos incarnation of MorphOS ? Is it bundled commercial software or kind of Freeware ?
    Imagine you'd like to distribute software on a bootable (!) CD-ROM (think of game disks in Amiga500 times), you won't need to put the ROM files on it, but might need some system files (libs, commands...). It's not a problem to copy that kind of disc to other Pegasos users as they already have a MorphOS licence. But what, if you'd like to offer the CD image as a public download ? There are probably some copyright issues.
  • »04.05.04 - 15:07
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 253 from 2003/4/7
    the package is intended to be a add on for hdd-usage. so no need for mos on the cd.
    for dealers it would be more easy to build up a complete system from one cd, but i guess that these images already exist.
    with my concept, installing from os3.9 could be possible too.

    ps where can i find the latest amitcp-demo?
  • »04.05.04 - 19:06
  • JKD
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 456 from 2003/4/4
    From: South of heaven
    I think if you do a comparison of the 'beta' features, you'll find them heavily outweighed by the stable/core features and functionality. I wouldn't call 1.4 a beta well, at least no more than 1.3 was a developmental milestone/release.

    Lack of a TCP/IP stack does not a beta OS make...just makes it a tad difficult to use out of the box right?

    Feel free to explain what you mean by beta..
  • »04.05.04 - 19:08
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 202 from 2004/2/3
    In the MOS 1.5,I hope to have:


    2.better AHI version

    3.USB Modem support!!!
  • »04.05.04 - 20:19
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 253 from 2003/4/7
    can anyone suggest a free, out of the box working texteditor besides microgolded?
  • »05.05.04 - 18:28
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1923 from 2003/10/19
    From: Port Hueneme, Ca.
    Why not get MorphEd? I use it all the time. i can print from it and everything to my laser printer. Same with MicroGoldEd.
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  • »05.05.04 - 19:09
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