MorphOs Upgrade
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 566 from 2007/12/11
    From: Greece
    Cheers Morphers!!!

    I have installed the MorphOS 2.2 upgrade founded on MetaMorphOS.

    I extracted the 90MB lha at my MorphOS partition -this is its name and I have installed the Operaitng System on it. Rebooted and everything started well. The live upgrade was done and lots of stuff was found on my Tools, Applications, Utilities and Utils folders.

    Have installed some newer versions of the programs founded on the upgrade on another partition so I will remove the older ones by hand.

    But I wanted to ask if I should remove the stuff founded on C,L,Libs and similar folders on the ones that founded on the sub directory called MorphOS which is found on my MorphOS partition root directory.

    I am asking because for example although Os4Emu is founded in MorphOs:C after the upgrade. I can not run DOpus for OS4, taking a window that I should first install os4Emu. So I wonder If I should transfer it on MorphOs:MorphOS/C

    Until now everything -except the Os4emu case- seems to work fine, but want your ideas, suggestions.
  • »22.07.09 - 12:49
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  • Moderator
    Posts: 766 from 2003/2/28
    From: Denmark
    My recommendation would be to just install the bits you need, that is no official upgrade, does it come with documentation? Any part of that package is probably available separately with documentation detailing installation, usage etc. Keep in mind that it is not recommended to touch MOSSYS: (SYS:MorphOS).
  • »22.07.09 - 13:14
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland

    But I wanted to ask if I should remove the stuff founded on C,L,Libs and similar folders on the ones that founded on the sub directory called MorphOS which is found on my MorphOS partition root directory.

    No, you should not. C, L, Libs etc are your own user directories. You can install and copy there anything you want. MorphOS is meant to separate cleanly user and system files, commands, libraries and so on and normally you never copy any 3rd party stuff there.


    I can not run DOpus for OS4, taking a window that I should first install os4Emu. So I wonder If I should transfer it on MorphOs:MorphOS/C

    Why are you running DOpus for OS4 in MorphOS when there are MorphOS and 68k native versions?

    Anyway to run OS4 SW transparently you must run PatchLoadSegOS4. OS4emu executable is used only to run OS4 applications manually from the shell, i.e. "os4emu dopus".
    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »22.07.09 - 13:41
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 566 from 2007/12/11
    From: Greece

    Why are you running DOpus for OS4 in MorphOS when there are MorphOS and 68k native versions?

    Just to make the test that I can run an OS4 app. The choice of DOpus was random.
  • »22.07.09 - 14:36
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 566 from 2007/12/11
    From: Greece

    My recommendation would be to just install the bits you need, that is no official upgrade, does it come with documentation? Any part of that package is probably available separately with documentation detailing installation, usage etc. Keep in mind that it is not recommended to touch MOSSYS: (SYS:MorphOS).

    Got it. Thanks man!!!!
  • »22.07.09 - 14:37
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 566 from 2007/12/11
    From: Greece

    Anyway to run OS4 SW transparently you must run PatchLoadSegOS4. OS4emu executable is used only to run OS4 applications manually from the shell, i.e. "os4emu dopus".

    One more question: Is PatchLoadSegOS4 included in the OS4Emu package or should I download it separately and from where??
  • »23.07.09 - 02:47
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland
    It is included in the OS4Emu package.
    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »23.07.09 - 06:24
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2160 from 2003/4/10
    From: France

    I'm the webmaster of ;-)

    I have create MorphOS Upgrade pack for novice users and others of course.

    Before install MorphOS Upgrade pack you must have a clean installation of MorphOS !!!

    For install Upgrade you must just extract on SYS:

    After a reboot the programm MOSLiveUpgrade (wbstartup) will update MorphOS automaticaly with all news update ;-)

    If you have any suggestions or propositions there is no problemo ;-)

    Don't forget:

    - pack Games
    - pack Emulators
    - packs Demos



    [ Edited by Papiosaur on 2009/7/23 10:31 ]
  • »23.07.09 - 09:30
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 204 from 2007/9/14
    From: The building p...
    Thanx for this software and the hard work you done!
    This kind of software is very important if we ever will get new "novice" users to MorphOS, i thinking of MacMini release because if you are new, you test something, and if you don't even have a webbrowser at the desktop it's a good chance you quit. (Yes i know the Sputnik browser is hidden in applications folder.)
    First i want to say to MorphOS developers that MOSLiveUpgrade should be a default option on MorphOS install iso because this idea is very good, and if there is a new user, how the heck is he suppose to find this MOSLiveUpgrade on the net, i suppose the neighbour can help him:)

    The software has some problems:( if you have a clean install of MorphOS2.2 you are missing the Texteditor.mcc.

    If you don't have a working internet connection nothing happens, i propose you will have some information about if internet dont work you can't instal bla bla bla....(Only first run) maybe this one should be on MorphOS software to help new user connect or so.

    If possible, PolyNet settings should be changed so it dosen't appear at middle centre screen, because users will find this annoying, yes it's simple for us to change but not for a novice:(

    In Ambient there should be some mime settings to play video's.

    Please update OWB to 1.3.
    In OWB there should be preconfigured buttons or bookmarks to atleast:
    OWB should also be preconfigured to play and save flash content.

    Once again Papiosaur, it's a great work you done! thanks alot.

    [ Edited by dake on 2009/7/23 15:07 ]
  • »23.07.09 - 13:44
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2160 from 2003/4/10
    From: France

    MOSLiveUpgrade is a adaptation of Amikit LiveUpdate program for MorphOS make by Daniel Westerberg (OnyxSoft) at my request.

    Daniel you are the best ;-)


    The software has some problems:( if you have a clean install of MorphOS2.2 you are missing the Texteditor.mcc.

    Oooops, i went to fix it rapidly ;-) Thanks a lot.


    If possible, PolyNet settings should be changed so it dosen't appear at middle centre screen, because users will find this annoying, yes it's simple for us to change but not for a novice:(

    Yes I would like to do it too, but i dont' know how to do it. I save bottom posiition but after Polynet appear at middle of screen.

    All persons can propose to improve this upgrade and the others packs (demos, games, emulators)

    Thanks you for your interest in MorphOS Upgrade ;-)
  • »23.07.09 - 14:37
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  • Moderator
    Posts: 766 from 2003/2/28
    From: Denmark

    I'd prefer to keep something like this optional and separate from MorphOS, reminds me of the typical desktop linux distribution trying to be everything for everyone (and usually failing at that). Better direct users to Luky's or Krashan's sites and let them find the software they actually need. And of course there's this place as well, if they have trouble finding something specific. Chances are if they have found out about MorphOS, they probably have internet access as well.
  • »23.07.09 - 15:22
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 204 from 2007/9/14
    From: The building p...

    Yes it should be otional, users with knowledge can untick this option.
    This software pack is for "Novice" user's that don't know everything about MorphOS yet.
    I for example know alot of potential users for MorphOS, some of them don't like to try every piece of software out there and they only want a computer to browse the net and send some mail's. For that kind of people it's very handy to have this upgrade thing.
    Obvious it's better to install the program you want, but for new users this can be very handy and once you learned, you can always install as you like.
    Maybe i wasn't clear when i spoke about don't have a working internet connection, what i meant was when i did a clean install, the internet didn't work for me and i had to make some adjustments, a new user should get some notice upon first run to solve this problem.
  • »23.07.09 - 15:55
  • Moderator
    Posts: 766 from 2003/2/28
    From: Denmark
    There's a reason I underlined separate, unless you find someone capable to handle QA and support for this mess, it's just not possible to include. It would be better to handle something like this with MorphUp.
  • »23.07.09 - 16:11
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 204 from 2007/9/14
    From: The building p...
    Ok Golem i get you point and agree:)
  • »23.07.09 - 16:48
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1178 from 2003/3/13
    From: Pinto, Madrid ...
    I also like this MOSLiveUpdate thing a lot. And the fact that it's optional makes me like it more. I also find it sad that MorphUP didn't get used more. It doesn't seem to be actively developed...
  • »24.07.09 - 08:04
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 820 from 2008/3/30
    From: Roma, Italy

    Yes I would like to do it too, but i dont' know how to do it. I save bottom posiition but after Polynet appear at middle of screen.

    @ Papiosaur:

    First of all, thanks for the great and good work!
    With Lukas' and Krashan's sites, we have a really great MorphOS Files Warehouse at our disposal!!
    Maybe I'm saying a stupid thing, but.... Did you try to press "fix" button, to fix (...) the bar position after
    you moved where you like, and then press "save all prefs" button to store it in the prefs?
    If you move the bar and only press "save all prefs", polynet won't store the new position so the next
    launch it will read the old one.
    Pegasos II 1 ghz
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    Powermac G5 dual 2.7 ghz I'll be back...
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  • »24.07.09 - 12:05
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2160 from 2003/4/10
    From: France
    @ Jambalah ;-)


    With Lukas' and Krashan's sites, we have a really great MorphOS Files Warehouse at our disposal!!

    yes Luka and Kranshan have realised very good and important job !!!

    For download MorphOS programm, there is MOS2DEPOT too on ;-)


    Maybe I'm saying a stupid thing, but.... Did you try to press "fix" button, to fix (...) the bar position after
    you moved where you like, and then press "save all prefs" button to store it in the prefs?
    If you move the bar and only press "save all prefs", polynet won't store the new position so the next
    launch it will read the old one.

    Yes i have fix the position too, but i have forgotten to copy sys:prefs/MUI/POLYNET.prefs and .cfg (i think).

    @ all ;-)

    A new version of MorphOS Upgrade is in preparation, it' version 1.4.0 ;-)

    I prepare it for MorphOS on MAC mini ;-)

    Don't hesitate to propose suggestions of programs, games, skin, wallpapers, truetype fonts, etc...

    Thanks for your help and your encouragements !!!

    You can thank the job of Daniel Westerberg of Onyxsoft for his program MOS LiveUpgrade.

    MorphOS the best system ever realised ;-)

    [ Edited by Papiosaur on 2009/7/24 13:37 ]
  • »24.07.09 - 12:28
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 358 from 2003/10/3
    From: Padova - Italy

    I prepare it for MorphOS on MAC mini ;-)
    Don't hesitate to propose suggestions of programs, games, skin, wallpapers, truetype fonts, etc...
    Thanks for your help and your encouragements !!!
    You can thank the job of Daniel Westerberg of Onyxsoft for his program MOS LiveUpgrade.
    MorphOS the best system ever realised ;-)

    Thanx to you Papiosaur and thanx to every other persons involved in this nice project!
    It's about 2 years I've sold my Peg and I think if and when MorphOS will be released for powerbook your upgrader will be more than useful for me and other users because after all this time passed it will be a little bit difficult to get usead again to AmigaOS.
    And btw, I agree 100% with you, MorphOS is a great OS, and I miss the phun of using it everyday! :-)
  • »24.07.09 - 13:41
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 342 from 2003/6/29
    MorphUP is pretty much complete.
    Which feature do you need, that has to be actively developed?
    Pegasos PPC
  • »25.07.09 - 00:46