Posts: 498 from 2003/2/17
From: Hannover / Ger...
Which address does Stefan use for PayPal? Then I don't have to install and possibly remove the new alpha first.

PS: To those possibly hesitating because of the "Don't Distribute" (although the previous alpha does also say "Not for distribution"), Stefan does explain in the ChangeLog that he intentionally released the current version to the public:
this is a snapshot of the current mui development state. it's by no
means finished and severly lacks polishing in several areas. i wont have
time to work on it during summer though, so i'll simply release it
publically in case somebody wants to play with it.
a word of warning: there were some very substantial changes to MUIs
internals. i tried to keep compatibility with older apps, but it's kind
of hard to support stuff that's been dead for many years. your favourite
MUI program may very well stop working properly with this release, so do
yourself a favor and keep a backup copy of your old MUI!
only a MOS version is available at the moment since that's the system I
use for developing. no keyfile needed, no timeouts. there was supposed
to be something for OS4 too, but folks over there were (and still are)
unable to supply a machine for porting.
so again... this is only a current development snapshot, messy and less
polished than previous releases during the good old amiga times. dont
use it if you cant handle that :).
installation is as simple as unpacking the stuff into mossys:, the sdk
is included within muisdk.lha.
[ Edited by Senex on 2006/3/4 7:27 ]